The peeping wont stop. Im tired. It's 11pm. Help.


Jul 22, 2020
Southern Ohio
I hatched out some chicks yesterday and today. They are doing great and they are in a warm brooder.

I made the mistake of holding one of the chicks for too long today and now it thinks I'm it's mother. It won't stop peeping for me. It's been a couple hours of on and off peeps from JUST that one chick. As soon as it sees me it runs at me and makes happy chirps. I am so tired. Help. Any ideas appreciated so I can actually sleep. 😢

Garage is too cold for them so they are in the house.
I hatched out some chicks yesterday and today. They are doing great and they are in a warm brooder.

I made the mistake of holding one of the chicks for too long today and now it thinks I'm it's mother. It won't stop peeping for me. It's been a couple hours of on and off peeps from JUST that one chick. As soon as it sees me it runs at me and makes happy chirps. I am so tired. Help. Any ideas appreciated so I can actually sleep. 😢

Garage is too cold for them so they are in the house.

I had a chick once that would peep loud when she was tired. I’d pick her up and put her in my shirt. She’d snuggle in and go to sleep. Once she was asleep, I could place her under the heat plate with her sisters. Just like having a newborn baby. You’re not spoiling them, you’re giving them what a mama hen would.
She only did that for about a week then she was more independent.

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