The Plymouth Rock Breeders Thread- Part Deux

After I pulled her out of the box and avoided her jaws of death I tried to bump her with my foot to get her to walk around and she kept attacking my shoe!!! She's darn tootin serious :lau
I posted a thread recently called “Terminator Gargoyle Broodys” because mine have chicks now and I tried to pick up one of the broodys...:mad::mad::mad::mad::smack
Nice Mosey!

I cracked open the first fertile egg yesterday. As predicted, I believe one of the Partidge is broody. At first I thought she was sick, then egg bound. If she is indeed broody then this is one mild mannered bird, no sound or pecking. If I put her on ground she stays all puffed up with tail down.

I gave her a hot bath and can't feel and egg. On drying her off see she is missing most of her feathers underside. I am still confused but slowly admitting she must be brooding. I've had dozens of brooding birds and nothing behaved like this. Being one of my two Partridge it would be a huge loss if I'm wrong.
A slightly tangential question. I was trying to find the website for the Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club. What I found appeared to have been uninhabited for a few years. Are they disbanded or non functional?
On a more directly related note, I am looking to start breeding white rocks and want to start with good stock. Any recommended sources?

I'd try Jeremy. No idea if he ships eggs, may ship birds. Nebraska is a long way from you to drive to but he'd be in the know of who has quality stock of Whites around NC.
Don't let this web page fool you. Jeremy has Whites too. Got champion with a White cockerel last fall. He's probably on Facebook. Hasn't been on Back Yard Chickens in years.

Weavers Rocks is another defunct BYC member who had nice stock. I kind of think it's Sue Weaver who wrote a few books on poultry and goats. She has Blosl whites.

Mosey- get them in the broody buster and back to laying!

Another thing you can do is use the NPIP site and search by state and the stock code for breed/variety. Stock codes are here:

Here is the one person in South Carolina with Large Fowl White Plymouth Rocks:

Here is the home page for USA map, click by state then let google see if any white rocks.

Stock code is r248. I use "find" in google to search documents. Click a state then find r248. This of course is blindly looking for a breed and variety. You've no idea as to quality and could be hatchery stock for that matter. But it is a means to find people to contact and say hi, see if they breed, ask for photos of stock. Ya know- knock on doors so to speak to find a breeder with good stock near you so you can drive and pick up a trio or eggs or what have you.
Sure this girl had one heck of a chest but she was postured to really push it in first photo. The tail tells the rest of the Back story
So you did not like this pullet’s width? But you did like the cockerel’s width. I am not sure what you are noticing. Is it that the left and right sides of her tail feathers angle towards the midline plane while the cockerels tail feathers are more parallel to the midline plane?

if you can lend length to the pullets the cushion will lay down more. Cushion is a big issue with a lot of the varieties
Do you have any pictures of good cushion vs bad?

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