The poor Easter Egger with broke beak


7 Years
Aug 24, 2015
Columbus, Ohio
This chicken has been this way ever since I can remember, it's about half the size as the others and makes a hell of a mess when it eats bacause it rakes most the food out of the feeder but it hasn't died yet and is always the first chicken to chow down on treats or atleast attempt to lol.

The beak isn't broken, she has a cross beak. It's a birth defect. To help reduce the amount of feed she spills, make sure your feeders are deep enough for her to scoop feed. The reason she is first to the feed is because once the feed level gets too low, she can't get any of it in her mouth.

That's the type of feeders and waterers they have, they have 24/7 feed and water and always at the same levels, no real way to adjust the depth of the food, they don't change with auto feeders.

Older pics to show there feeders and waterer, I have 2 30lb feeders and one 8 gal waterer so they have feed and water for a few days at a time instead of filling them all daily or taking a chance they run out.

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