The Princess is a Perfect Houseguest...Shadow, the Diva Chicken

Shadow is worse tonight. Thank goodness at least Sunny seems fine. She hasn't seemed half as affected by this brutal summer as the other three girls. So, Shadow is in a pet carrier for now so she can have a cool night like Reba and Nugget.
I am hoping they will all be ok and that the heat will let up some for you all
I hope "The Princess" comes out all right. This heat is just awful for our feathery friends, especially for those living in high humidity areas. Give Shadow some big hugs from all of us.
Sorry, I went to bed and didn't see your post. Actually, at about 11 p.m., after watching our taped "Closer" from Monday, saw I had an email from Ellie out in CA that asked if I was up, that she wanted to call, then another saying, guess not, she'd call me another time, so I called her. Apparently, her radar was working overtime and she thought something might be wrong and I told her about the girls and then went straight to bed.

They are not doing any better this morning. They all sound bad so will let them all three chill on the playpen on the deck till it gets too warm and then will bring them inside for the rest of the day. They all had salmon and scrambled eggs for breakfast and did eat. All are standing, just breathing badly. I woke with one of those headaches and had to take meds I'd rather not take in the daytime.

The three eggs in the bator are on Day 19 and Smoky's two are on Day 15. We're getting very close, LH!
The Princess is so pretty! Of the chickens that I have, bantam cochins are my favorite. They just seem to have great personalities. My Chloe is 4 years old and while she is very sweet to me, she doesn't suffer other chicken fools to well - no matter what their size or sex! I truly hope all turns out well for your girls.
Princess on her throne(s)! Very cute! Hope she starts to acclimate out with the others...if looks like you have a perfect little house chicken.
They seem slightly better today, thanks for asking! I'm using a cool air humidifier with Oxine solution to mist them for short periods throughout the day and it seems to be working-well, that plus them being in the house and us running the A/C to filter out the humidity. We don't usually do that, but with my migraines kicking up and their condition, we have no choice.

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