The Quack Shack. Duck house pics!

Thanks for info on the house by the pond, but now I have a new situation. First of all, we are having so much fun with the ducks that we haven't taken them to the pond. The pond isn't within sight and is really too far to go to gather an egg every day. Didn't think about that when we brought them home. Second, we were free ranging except at night but I came home last night and the neighborhood "pack" dogs had my female down and were tearing her feathers out. She will be OK, I think and the male came out of hiding a few minutes later, limping.
They have become such homebodies, even pecking on the patio doors seeming to ask for fresh food/water. Hate the thought of penning them up.
Neighborhood dogs are my big concern, no body around here fencers in their dogs, drives me nuts I want to free range my ducks when old enough but can only do it if I'm home watching pretty close. I hot a hi powered pellet gun, send a few dogs home with a whole in the buns that aren't supposed to be there and maybe they will lock them up.

quote name="Sadie57" url="/t/752779/the-quack-shack-duck-house-pics/20#post_10972729"]Thanks for info on the house by the pond, but now I have a new situation.  First of all, we are having so much fun with the ducks that we haven't taken them to the pond.  The pond isn't within sight and is really too far to go to gather an egg every day.  Didn't think about that when we brought them home.  Second, we were free ranging except at night but I came home last night and the neighborhood "pack" dogs had my female down and were tearing her feathers out. She will be OK, I think and the male came out of hiding a few minutes later, limping.
They have become such homebodies, even pecking on the patio doors seeming to ask for fresh food/water. Hate the thought of penning them up.
Tractor Supply has this netting also. in upstate NY a 100' roll (48" tall) is $30. we lost chicks and full grown chickens to a hawk. the hawk was in the barn cornering our rooster and hens. don't think that having a building to escape to will give them protection from birds of prey.
That was my biggest concern (neighborhood dogs and hawks). I have them in a chicken wire pen during the day and they are locked in their house at night. My dog is so funny. He sits by the fence where he can watch the ducks. (ALL THE TIME). And whenever another dog comes in the yard he starts barking to let me know (and warm the ducks I guess). The ducks run into their house if the see a strange dog or something. There are 3 dogs that come through the yard sometimes and I was worried that they'd see the ducks and want lunch and try to dig under the fence or something. They've all been through the yard and couldn't care less that there are ducks there. Lol. They go inside their house when the sun goes down so that's when I go out and lock them in. I also have hardware cloth over the windows. Now I'm more concerned about night predators and hawks. The top of my pen is still open though. It's a work in progress.
Ok, it's been two wks. since the dogs attacked my ducks. My female seems fine, just a little skittish and very loud. But, my male, whom I thought wasn't hurt as bad, is limping as much if not worse. He insists on following her everywhere but has to keep stopping and setting. If he gets really tired he starts using his wings as crutches. Other than that, he is eating and drinking. Gets in the pool and plays and preens. Any suggestions, besides a vet? I am taking my Boxer to vets tomorrow and will ask questions, but I don't hold much hope for answers. Or at least any I can afford.
Ok, it's been two wks. since the dogs attacked my ducks. My female seems fine, just a little skittish and very loud. But, my male, whom I thought wasn't hurt as bad, is limping as much if not worse. He insists on following her everywhere but has to keep stopping and setting. If he gets really tired he starts using his wings as crutches. Other than that, he is eating and drinking. Gets in the pool and plays and preens. Any suggestions, besides a vet? I am taking my Boxer to vets tomorrow and will ask questions, but I don't hold much hope for answers. Or at least any I can afford.
I'd place them into a space that gives him less room to run around, that way he can rest more and heal better. as long as he is running after his mate he keeps his leg injured, Think about it when we injure ourselves the best thing we can do is rest and PT, I suggest water therapy but living in a smaller space till he is fully recovered. With his mate of course.
I like the idea of the linoleum my boyfriend and I are building our duck house soon... just not sure about the bottom I might try the linoleum gotta talk to him about it first....ducks need to get out of my den! messy boys!
Sagefire28, linoleum works great. It's a lot easier to clean. Just make sure it's glued or stapled in good and then seal the edges with plumbers caulk so water and poop can't get under it.

I've decided to expand my ducks' pen. Well, double it actually. When I'm done they'll have 490 square feet of outside space! I'll upload pics when that's finished. :)

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