THE QUEEN'S EMPIRE ♔ (a medieval chicken RP!)

Star made a disgusted face as the orphanage cook slopped a blob of burnt oatmeal onto her plate. "There is no way I'm eating that!" she stated loudly. The cook (who was a young cockerel) shot her a dirty look then slopped some of the stuff on Star's ratted dress. "How dare you!" she cried furiously. Star sprang from her chair while the younger orphans squealed with excitement (as they knew what would come next). Star hurled her plate at the cockerel who tried to dodge it but was carrying a heavy pot so he toppled over. A look of horror crossed his face as the oatmeal flew everywhere. "Food fight!" shrieked a shrill voice. The orphans were all to happy to find a way to dispose of gross stuff. Star grinned wickedly and started catapulting the slimy mess with a spoon. Suddenly the dinning hall doors flew open and everyone froze.
Charlie walked thoughtfully across the orphanage grounds. He had skipped dinner to avoid the battle he knew would happen. Charlie sighed "I should have tried to stop her" he murmured. The young and ratty chicken looked up at the stars. Wishing a family would hurry up and adopt him and his sister before Star got more reckless. Charlie looked longingly at all the candle lit homes. That showed family flocks sitting down to eat. Then he wondered about his own parents whom he had never known. With a sad sigh Charlie walked back to the orphanage.
Miss. Emma was standing there. "What on earth!" she squawked.
All the orphans immediately pointed their wings at Star,but the feisty troublemaker was already gone. *Can't blame someone that isn't there* she thought mischievously. Star had a knack for getting out of trouble. She whisked away to her room and changed into a clean apron. Then had just enough time to get into the outhouse before the head mistress called her name.
"Yes miz Emma" they cried in chorus. Then the orphans started getting mops and buckets. While a few lazy ones slipped away to go straight to bed. The young cook had worked himself into a furious rage. "Star will pay for shamming me like that" he grumbled. Oh, just wait till I get my talons on her".
(I will just decide the cook's name is Jupiter)
"Jupiter, calm down," said Miss. Emma. "They're just pullets,"

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