The RE-Build of Les Farms

AWW! They're all so happy!

I was looking at the lacing on Nora, and... oh. my. gawsh! She has the prettiest blue I think I've ever seen in my life... me likey..., me wantey... gimme!
Aww thank you! :D I appreciate that!
You have some excellent looking animals!!!
Thank you :)
I watched the video again. I cry every single time, at the fire part...

How is Margaret? I haven't seen any of her lately...
I have some new pictures of her that I haven't posted here yet... She is doing FABULOUS! She goes outside on her own free will now, and free ranges with the other birds.. albeit slower..

Here she is - showing off her stump. This is her worse foot.

And some of the others...

Doc Holiday


One of the adorable bunny kits @ 2 weeks old

Henry and I enjoying our new hammock. It was chilly out that morning.

And a chicken hug
So some actual progress. Road put in to go from the driveway to the barn so that they can bring the heavy machinery in without sinking. Our yard is quite low, so it stays wet longer than most.. even in the summer it is quite soft and if it rains they wouldn't be able to work.

Here is the road that is in. We have to get the sod on the right moved, but no big deal.

The contractor has put in temporary power to start the job, and a big load of gravel. :D Very exciting!
I'm excited to see how things progress! How far away from your house are you putting your barn?
I think it's like 250 350 feet or so. I am not positive. Same distance as before :) I'm going by how much fencing we added along the side of the woods. We added 400 feet... it went back past the barn maybe 50 feet at the most..

This is from our bay window last year. Give you kind of an idea how far away it is. I can not WAIT for it to be built.. also, very excited to have the trees green again..

This is the area that the road needed to be added. It wraps around the house and out to the driveway in front. Our yard/land is about 1.25 acres cleared. The rest is wooded.. which is fine, because the wooded area is their favourite spot.

We have lots of awesome cover for them to hide in.
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