The Red Golden Pheasant: sad update, pg.2, post #15

Thanks so much!

This is so true! It was hard to stay upset when I have so many other heathy feathered kids to fuss over!

Thanks for the wonderful comments about our coops! Our birds have nicer homes than we do!

Isn't that something?

I mean, we care for them more than we outselves right? Haha. Its so funny how my family jokes about me @ dinner. "You feed them better things than you feed yourself!" Haha

The chickens probably looking @ me going


- Tommy
Hi Dawn, I want to say I am fairly new to the board. I have been registered for awhile, just never get on.

I just ordered 12 Red Golden Pheasant eggs and have 2 Golden Pheasants. I built them an outdoor pen and I am in the process of building them a coop. I forgot how many eggs you had and I am sorry to hear only 1 hatched. I hope I have better luck with the 12. They are really gorgeous birds and I am hoping the ones I hatch will free range with my chicks, I plan on raising them together. I guess I will find out. I will put a mated pair in with my Goldens, just incase. I do not know if you are still wanting eggs, but if my adult pair lays any, you are more than welcome to some. Let me know. I should have them outdoors and in a natural habitat in a week and they should start laying come April.

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