The "refrigerator egg" thread

I have a few fridge eggs in the BATOR right now. One is pipped and two are pushing into their aircells.

Day 17 and the 5 fridge eggs I added to the bator are all doing great, of course they haven't hatched yet so I cannot call it a success but were getting close

Congrats on your hatch!!!
What was the longest time your fridge eggs have been in the fridge before trying to hatch them?
I might want to try hatching some...
Is it true that you get mostly pullets out of fridge eggs?
Well my hatch is almost complete. I set 13 eggs after a raccoon attack claimed a good rooster and a great olive egger hen. Luckily i had 5 eggs from said hen in the fridge prior to the attack. I also put in 7 eggs from my favorite hen. At lockdown I tossed 2 eggs, one that may have been infertile and another than was an early quitter. Out of 11 eggs remaining 9 have hatched, one should hatch today or tomorrow because I put it in 1 day after the others. The chicks out of the incubator are very strong and healthy so far. My eggs were 9 or 10 days old when putting them in the incubator. I took them out of the fridge 1-2 days prior to incubation and started turning them.

What was the longest time your fridge eggs have been in the fridge before trying to hatch them?
I might want to try hatching some...
Is it true that you get mostly pullets out of fridge eggs?
Gender is determined by the ovum in chickens similar to how mammals males determine gender. The only way to change the odds hatching a specific gender is if a certain method caused the males or females to die prior to or during the incubation process(thus lowering hatch %).
Well my hatch is almost complete. I set 13 eggs after a raccoon attack claimed a good rooster and a great olive egger hen. Luckily i had 5 eggs from said hen in the fridge prior to the attack. I also put in 7 eggs from my favorite hen. At lockdown I tossed 2 eggs, one that may have been infertile and another than was an early quitter. Out of 11 eggs remaining 9 have hatched, one should hatch today or tomorrow because I put it in 1 day after the others. The chicks out of the incubator are very strong and healthy so far. My eggs were 9 or 10 days old when putting them in the incubator. I took them out of the fridge 1-2 days prior to incubation and started turning them.

Quote: Actually, in birds it is the female gametes that determines gender at fertilization. (Source)
Actually, in birds it is the female gametes that determines gender at fertilization. (Source)

Yep, that's what I said, the ovum determines gender. I guess the confusion was when I said it is similar to how mammals sex is determined by the male sperm cell. Similar but opposite I guess I should say either way the point is sex is determined long before incubation and outside factors do not influence that (until we find a case of WW hen like they have in snakes and lizards who reproduce asexually on rare occasions)
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My hatch is officially finished! I had 11 out of 13 eggs hatch, 9 or so of them were pulled from the fridge. They were up to 10 days old. One egg looked like it may have been infertile, the other quit on day 3 or 4 based on development, these were both removed before lockdown. 85% hatch rate isn't bad with eggs that were refrigerated and not turned on top of being on the older side. I ended up with 5 black, 2 I suspect are barred, and 6 with a single gene of dominant white over black.

These 2 hatched today. I bought them from the fridge at a vets office. A new girl working there said your eggs will not hatch they are from the fridge. I put some eggs under the hen, and ate some of the fridge eggs. these 2 hatched. They hatched on day 23 with no help. I think it took them a couple more days because they were from the fridge.

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