The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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Bee....the 4 week olds have been on FF for a week and have obviously gotten their nutrition built up and not eating as much.....if anyone out there needs help with a dish for chicks, I'm using a regular chick feeder and blobbing the FF around the moat up against the middle section. It works really well until they get outside. Anyway, will FF mold is left too long in brooder......should I change out each day or two......or leave it in there until they eat it all. I read it just ferments more, but with the extra (not much now) heat, is there a chance of mold? Sorry if this is a stupid question.....thank you Bee for always answering stupid questions from newbies still learning....And Sally8 those little girls are just too sweet! I love those dresses and their long flocks of hair......Just beautiful!
Armorfirelady- I started out with 7 PRs. I now have 3. 2 were lost to predators, rooster was mean and had to be culled, and 1 had water belly and had to be culled. I Got mine from mcmurray. I can't remember exact POL for them, but they were hatched out last year April 18th and laid in late October through end of November. The funny thing about these birds, is they are either chock-full of personality or completely nondescript. I have one named Bossy Hen too. The other "assertive" one is named Bitchy. She is so named because of her screaming behavior during broodiness. I will never forget the sound when I walked into the hen house during the spring. I don't know if you ever seen the alien movies, but when Ripley startes torching the Allen's eggs... And the alien lets out that horrible scream... Well, that's bitchy when she's broody! Now Bossy, she talks to me the whole time I'm out in the yard. I say, "Hello Boss." She clucks and cheeps. "You keeping the other girls in line?" She replies with a "bokbokbobok". After I stop talking to her, she keeps going likes she's telling me what to do. Whenever I step outside, and I can always tell where Bossy is. I ask in a quiet voice, "where are all the chickens?" And bossy lets me know "over here scratching". I really enjoy the breed.
These are my first chickens but I do love the breed. 2 out of 4 are very talkative but Bossy is the boss. She hears the house door or a car door closing in the driveway and she starts her racket.......she knows its either feeding time or someone coming to say hi. I love their personality....even the 2 quiet ones get talking when the other 2 get going.
I dont mind the wait for laying.....just means they were lay longer.....I want them to be like Bees hens and still going strong 6 years later.
Have you ever been on your way to church and look down to say "OMG. I HAVE CHICKEN POOP ON MY GOOD SHOES!!!"

Those girls are Children Miracle Network babies. They were in their own incubators for over a month. They were 2 months early.
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This is my mother's father, with his father's flock on Winslow Island, WA. It was taken in the early 1920's about a month or so before he
married my grandmother. What is even better is I have a copy of a letter his grandmother wrote to him telling how much his father had
made off the eggs that year and that the brooder house had just been finished and that a large amount of new birds were expected in
soon. His father had made over $600 on chicken eggs and duck eggs just prior to this flock. That was pretty darn good money in those
days for a retired ship's captain! They also had a cannery on the island. Anyway, that's a lot of chickens! Wish I could see them a little
clearer. Guess they are what? Leghorns?
What a fantastic photo and story to have! Thank you for sharing this with us!!

Thank you so. maryhysong, so funny you do that too. Sign of a good you should have seen her house in the Bronx. It had a small little front yard, and a small little back yard. She had more flowers and vegetables shoved into every square inch of soil that was available. People would stop and just look, all along her block.

Pullet, I have a feeling you will be! I think the very same about my children, and only hope to live long enough to even see grandchildren. I didn't have my first until I was 30, too busy chasing racehorses all over the planet. LOVE the picture of your grandfather in front of his flock. WOW, all my efforts go into watching those 10 silly chicken heads I have. What was taking care of that many like?
MB - I love the story about your name! I didn't have my first until I was 26, and then I had an 8 year dry spell - heck of a struggle with infertility! Had my 2nd at 34 and then we got the surprise of our lives when I got pg without trying at 37!! I sure got sick of the OB referring to "advanced maternal age." It was like I was some sort of strange prehistoric creature wandering into their office.
I ended up in bed for both the 2nd and 3rd pregnancies... for different reasons of course, because I simply can't do things the "normal way."
Well I lost my turkey butchering virginity today!
And one rooster.

I also think good will is the only way to shop. I couldn't pass up finding 2 identical dresses in the right size for my granddaughters for $3.00

Too stinkin' cute for words!!!

Those girls are Children Miracle Network babies. They were in their own incubators for over a month. They were 2 months early.
At age 37 my blood pressure was trying to reach a new world's record in my 3rd pregnancy. Needless to say my kiddo spent 16 weeks in the hospital.

2 lbs. 7 oz. - I actually wrote a childrens' book about having a sibling in the NICU - The Littlest Sister.
And yesterday - she's still tiny for her age (6), but kids with Down syndrome are on the smaller side anyway. She's a healthy, happy kid!
What a sweetheart! Hoooray for 2 pounders, my mother was one (grandmother fell down a flight of stairs at 7 months along and broke her pelvis) they didn't have incubators in those days! She came home from the hospital in a shoe box and her crib was the top dresser drawer. She's in her 80's now and I swear she will out live us all!!!
I am simply loving all these stories of grandmas, children and grandbabies!!! Such as these are what builds a rich tapestry of love in our lives and when you share that tapestry with us we stand in awe of all the beautiful patterns of love we see there. THANK YOU for sharing...I love all the beautiful children and oldsters even more than pics of birds and dogs!!!

Bee....the 4 week olds have been on FF for a week and have obviously gotten their nutrition built up and not eating as much.....if anyone out there needs help with a dish for chicks, I'm using a regular chick feeder and blobbing the FF around the moat up against the middle section. It works really well until they get outside. Anyway, will FF mold is left too long in brooder......should I change out each day or two......or leave it in there until they eat it all. I read it just ferments more, but with the extra (not much now) heat, is there a chance of mold? Sorry if this is a stupid question.....thank you Bee for always answering stupid questions from newbies still learning....And Sally8 those little girls are just too sweet! I love those dresses and their long flocks of hair......Just beautiful!

I noticed that my FF~when left for the next day~ would kind of bake onto the dish and form a crust if kept near the heat lamp but I had to keep it near the heat lamp a little so they didn't step into or face dive into cold mash and get a chill. Of course, 4 wks is a little older and should have good feathering, so it's not as urgent. I don't think you will go wrong by leaving the mash in there but I'd decrease your feed ration so that you won't have to worry about it. When you come back to a plate licked clean with a few crumbs left in the corners, you've got the right serving portions.

You know what's funny about all these mugs and such with the BEE logo? That Bee would never~ even if she were making slammin' money~ pay the price they ask for them, when she could drink her hot beverages from a dollar store mug or, better yet, a mug she got at a yard sale for $.10.

Eighteen bucks plus shipping could really buy a poor kid some new shoes for Christmas or even a coat/jacket if you shop in the right places~thus sayeth a former "poor kid".

You know what's funny about all these mugs and such with the BEE logo? That Bee would never~ even if she were making slammin' money~ pay the price they ask for them, when she could drink her hot beverages from a dollar store mug or, better yet, a mug she got at a yard sale for $.10.

Eighteen bucks plus shipping could really buy a poor kid some new shoes for Christmas or even a coat/jacket if you shop in the right places~thus sayeth a former "poor kid".

And even though I'm designing them and putting them out there, I can't afford to buy one for myself - LOL!
But... they are there for the folks that like them. I wish I could give everyone the mug or ornament of their choice for a lot cheaper, but I don't have a way to make them myself, unfortunately.
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