The Run thread

I like your setup Junk Gypsy, it's beautiful! We are new at all this and have just completed our coop and run. We used our dog kennel to form the run as the outside dog passed away and the new one lives in the house. The wire looks to be about the same size as yours from what I can tell in the pictures. Did you add a smaller mesh wire at the bottom? and if so what size is the largest I can use? I would really appreciate y'alls advice on how to keep my chicks safe I still have so much to learn.
The wire looks to be about the same size as yours from what I can tell in the pictures. Did you add a smaller mesh wire at the bottom? and if so what size is the largest I can use?
Thanks Rockin CR

Yes this is a dog kennel too it was much easier to get my DH to agree to build the coop for me with the pre-made run however for the size I wanted it to be we did have to build one small section. We put 1/4" hardware cloth all the way around keeps the chickens heads in and the dogs noses out lol...and other unwanted guest :)
We also used bird netting on the top that we purchased from Lowes and zippie tied it on so far it is working great. Depending where you live and what your predator risk is could help to determine what size will work best for you however it seem most use the 1/4" hardware cloth just to be on the safe side, better safe than sorry was kind of how I looked at it.

Good luck in your chicken keeping GyPSY
Thanks so much for your reply! Before I could figure out how to post a picture one of my chicks showed me that they are more fluff than substance and squeezed through one of the squares! We've now added chicken wire around the bottom. Hoping this will keep them in and the bad guys out:) Thanks again!
Ok, I'll play! I haven't done any of the fun landscaping (plants, hanging baskets, tree, couple small bushes etc), but here's our run. I'm in a suburb where chickens are not allowed, (yes, I have great neighbors!) so we've stayed a little on the small side. We have only 3 birds. The ground cover is 1/2 sand and 1/2 large bark. I found myself unable to commit. I love sand, but it seemed kind of boring. The wood chips look great and will get nice an buggy I'm sure, but if they retain too much moisture, I'll scoop 'em out and put them elsewhere. The frames have been planted with grass seed, they can climb around and pluck the grass with out scratching up the roots. The Little Tikes house is not their coop, just a play house (dry sand for bathing, grit, calcium etc). The area to the right of the little house is for grass clipping weeds, etc--right now it's filled with pine straw, which proved to be wonderful ground cover through the winter.

I love this one

This is a tractor style run that we made this past weekend for our 4 new barred rocks. They seem pretty happy to eat the weeds and bugs during the day and at night we open the door and they follow me to their make shift coop that's a bit more predator resistant. The nice thing is that it's light enough for 2 people to move it so they get fresh ground every few days.
I originally started out with a 6ft x 6ft run, but given that chicken math is a overwhelming factor it has grown by 4ft increments steadily. I am really happy with the "panel" type construction, it makes it easy to move or grow in size as needed.

The small run area under the coop is not open to the larger run area. I currently have two young Brahma chicks in the little run.

The only thing I do not like is the fact that I was too impatient to paint it before building.

I have a total of 4 girls. The two oldest are Wyandottes they are currently in the big run. The two younger ones are Brahmas and are in the small run under the coop. I am hoping that by the two runs being side by side that integrating the young ones will be easier.
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