The Saddest Day


In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2020
I’m relatively new to chickens and had my first experience with death today. I’m not sure what from but I’m thinking heat [exhaustion], egg bound/peritonitis, or stress... or a combination of all three? Help! I don’t want to lose more.
We had eight ISA hens about a year and as half old, regular layers. On Sunday, we brought home 12 chicks that a family friend raised for the first few weeks to be sure they survived the transit. We had the coop separated so each batch could see each other but not necessarily interact. Egg production pretty much ceased since Sunday from the eight. We live in northern MN and the temps and humidity have spiked from mid-50s to 88+ with higher dew points all in the same time span. We’ve changed water to keep it cool, put fans in, and switched out the cold weather windows to the mosquito net window screen set up.
All birds appeared fine other than reduced eggs, until yesterday evening. Chanel, so aptly named as she was the top of the line, finest looking specimen you’ve ever laid your eyes on, stayed in the nesting box without producing an egg. All symptoms of being egg bound (with the exception of the penguin waddle), heat exhaustion, stress or egg peritonitis. After her death, I did feel inside her vent and did not feel an egg. I forced her to drink via syringe but she did not and would not eat anything.
I’m mostly concerned as I now have two other birds acting like this that started. I took a few photos of their stance if that is helpful. Their poo is yellowy diarrhea or clear. My two other girls are still eating a little, thankfully. They’ve been drinking and I’ve also been syringing them some extra as well to be sure they don’t dehydrate. I should note I’ve given all flock electrolyte and probiotic (for stress), even Chanel, but I suspect I was too late for her. 😞


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I found a few links about common diseases in backyard chickens. Without knowing much more about what you're seeing, I don't feel comfortable saying one way or the other that I believe it's something in particular but maybe if you notice any more of these symptoms in your girls, it might be easier to pinpoint:

How are the new chicks faring? Do any of them seem to be falling ill, as well?

I'm sorry you already lost one yours. I'd be heartbroken if my favorite hen passed unexpectedly. I hope everyone else is doing better and you're able to weather this without anymore losses
I found a few links about common diseases in backyard chickens. Without knowing much more about what you're seeing, I don't feel comfortable saying one way or the other that I believe it's something in particular but maybe if you notice any more of these symptoms in your girls, it might be easier to pinpoint:

How are the new chicks faring? Do any of them seem to be falling ill, as well?

I'm sorry you already lost one yours. I'd be heartbroken if my favorite hen passed unexpectedly. I hope everyone else is doing better and you're able to weather this without anymore losses

All the new chicks are doing well... chirping, eating and drinking as normal. All poops appear normal as well. I’m guessing it is heat related as the younger ones are peppy as ever and appreciate the heat. The two that were ailing yesterday appear to be doing better today... so far... though the weather is cooler today as well. ❤
Thank you for the links! Very helpful! With so much information out there, it’s difficult to navigate and find what is truly wrong. Believing all sources would make me believe all my birds are dying from one thing or another!
I'm so sorry. I'm not good with diagnosing illness. I would suspect heat stress. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in.
Thank you! I’m guessing heat related as well. The weather is cooler today and the other two that were ailing yesterday appear to be in better spirits. So weird. I don’t know how those in southern states manage! I’m in northern MN where it don’t even get all that warm! 😂

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