The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!


i wanna be a cowboy, baby ( HELL YEAH )
Jun 15, 2020
TyCo, West Virginia
Nothing serious, just a humorous daily thread to track how long it takes sweet Daria to lay her blue eggs. She turned 30 weeks old today ( it’s a guess, previous owner said she was around 5 months when I got her ) and still no eggs from her. I have some small breeding plans for her, but she’s being difficult lol. I did the pelvic test yesterday and she was at a finger and a half width which hopefully means she’s getting closer?

Attached are pictures of the lil freeloader.


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She will heckin' lay in her own sweet time. Beautiful pullet.
yeah, she’s definitely taking her sweet time. she’s my only pullet that hasn’t laid yet lol. even the leghorns that are 24 weeks old have all started laying.

but, thank you, i absolutely adore her earmuffs & beard. my mom thinks she’s ugly and looks like a vulture lol
Took my Amercauna 7 months to lay her first egg 😬
oh man...she’s already at 6.9 months? im pretty sure 30 weeks = 6.9 months. hopefully she starts laying soon....the eggs i get from my girls that are laying are brown, light brown & white. it’d definitely be nice to see blue thrown in
oh man...she’s already at 6.9 months? im pretty sure 30 weeks = 6.9 months. hopefully she starts laying soon....the eggs i get from my girls that are laying are brown, light brown & white. it’d definitely be nice to see blue thrown in
I got my first ever blue eggs on Thanksgiving and they were even more beautiful in person. It will be so worth the wait! Good luck to Daria!!
She’s so beautiful!! And love the name.
Hopefully she lays soon :p
ah, thanks! she was in real rough shape when i first got her and she did almost a 180 and filled out so nicely. someone else actually suggested her name and it stuck.

but!! i hope so too, she’s absolutely killing me with the anticipation. no eggs today
My dog knows she's cute, and she can get away with a lot. Root through the trash? Bad daaahh.... oh, you're giving me the cute look! How can I yell at you!?

Daria knows that she's cute. Therefore, she knows she can get away with not laying.

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