*The Serum of Death* A Fox RP

shook her head.

Soto, Midnight, Autumn, and Twilight came home after having hinted. Soto had a bobcat, Midnight, two rabbits, and the pups had a mouse each. They looked proud as ever.

Selena smiled,"wow!loook at what you guys got!good job!"
Arko and frostfur ran over to soto,"daddy!can you tech us how to hunt?"arko asked.
"Yeah!please?"frostfur pleaded.
Midnight answered before he could "Daddy is busy with Autumn and Twilight, so no. Sorry."

Selena stalked forward and jumped on midnight,"soto has time for all his chicdren.do you hear me?if you keep acting like this is will kill you"she growled and jumped of before soto saw her."soto?can you tech these guys to hunt?they want to.and do something about that midnight"
Selena stalked forward and jumped on midnight,"soto has time for all his chicdren.do you hear me?if you keep acting like this is will kill you"she growled and jumped of before soto saw her."soto?can you tech these guys to hunt?they want to.and do something about that midnight"
Midnight cried and whimpered, grabbing her two pups and ran off.

Soto looked furiously around, unaware of what had happened.
Midnight cried and whimpered, grabbing her two pups and ran off.

Soto looked furiously around, unaware of what had happened.

Arko whimpered and pawed at sotos leg,"can you tech me to hunt?"he whimpered.
Frostfur was asleep with Salem.
Selena sighed and walked outside to hunt.

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