The Seven Most Important Things My Chickens Have Taught Me...


12 Years
Jun 5, 2011
North Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
7. Chickens are tougher and smarter than you think.

6. You will sometimes be surprised by which hen turns out to be the friendliest.

5. They are much more entertaining than Soap Operas. I see episodes of As The Hen Lays and All My Chicks in the backyard every day!

4. The happier you keep your chickens, the more eggs they will lay.(They love spinach, watermelon and meal worms!)

3. If you turn your chickens loose in the garden, the grasshoppers will suddenly disappear for the rest of the day!

2. Keeping your coop 100% predator proof takes maintenance, and like the cleaning of a house... it NEVER ends!

1. Chickens have standards... even they won't eat blister bugs!
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lol, very good! i have one to add that i have experienced in my short time as chicken mom...

8 as soon as a forbidden (blocked off) area becomes accessible, it instantly becomes the most interesting area of the entire property!

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