~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

((Thanks, so are you! {sorry for the SUPER long post! :D }))

The long, coarse grass brushed against Alexandra's bare lower legs as she started up the steady slope of the hill, toes digging into the cool, damp earth.

Alexa reached the door, her expression unreadable as she and raised her right hand to knock.

Thomas opened the door after the first knock. Looking both a bit bored and a bit anxious, he looked at Alexa. "Do you want something?"
(Oh ok so is Arren but he is really nice his more of just looking for a friend)

"Um Gars Grill has really good sandwiches,"he suggested. Zurich sighed and leaned close to Danika he put the mans wallet in his back pocket.

Perfect Alice thought and smiled "Alright:" She went there with her mother, so she knew the menu
(She doesn't get away from her family often, so she would be shy even if he was a girl ;) just friends works for her)

Danika noticed, but said nothing as she turned her attention to the movie screen
Thomas opened the door after the first knock. Looking both a bit bored and a bit anxious, he looked at Alexa. "Do you want something?"

"Yes," Alexandra replied in a straightforward way, her slight Russin accent making her words sound colder than they were meant, though her expression was emotionless, in a true pokerface, "I'm Alexandra. I am, as you are, Feral. I want you as my hunting partner."
Perfect Alice thought and smiled "Alright:" She went there with her mother, so she knew the menu
(She doesn't get away from her family often, so she would be shy even if he was a girl ;) just friends works for her)


Danika noticed, but said nothing as she turned her attention to the movie screen

(Oh ok sounds great :D she sounds like me! Well I'm not blind but the shy part and never leaving the house ;) )

Arren gave a bright smile and said,"great!"he starts to walk in the direction of the grill he wasn't sure how capable she was without being able to see so he kept looking back at her he didn't want to make her feel incapable though.
Zurich looked up at the movie screen it just started,he smiled but it was not towards the movie like in class,he had started to unintentionally stare at her.So beautiful.
((So are the ambulance peeps there yet?))

Ash nodded without taking much interest- partly because Khloe had already informed him of that fact, and partly because he had just noticed the siren ringing out in the distance. He looked back over his shoulder as if expecting to see the large vehicle. He couldn't though, of course, and turned back to the other shifters with a bit of sharp impatience. Did it always take this long? Hopefully not. "I'm Asher," He said, pausing to try think of a way to explain him and Khloe's rather random meeting, without backfiring on himself with the statement he had made earlier on the phone; about being 'friends' or something. "Nothing too spectacular, just a typical chance run in with each other," Asher replied coolly, adding a small shrug for extra effect

((There shall be no mercy.))


"Well there's no way I'm going to be a teacher, I can assure you of that. I'd probably die of guilt at the thought of how much extra mental strain I was dumping on people," Skye answered as she kicked a small stone across the pavement with the toe of her gym shoe, a habit that she had acquired a long time ago. A light breeze blew past, and she shoved her hair away as it was caught by it and played with across her face. There was, of course, no chance that she knew anything of the game Jayden was trying to play by acting completely different then was his actual personality. It wasn't like she spent much time paying attention to the other schools pupils behavior, nor really taken much notice of him until earlier when he had introduced himself.

Leah looked up sharply at the sound of a familiar voice, though it took her a moment to remember who's it was. Her lips broke out into a half smile, made incomplete by the fact that spending loads of time talking about the pro's and con's of being a member of the Feral was not exactly how she had planned the rest of her day.

((Don't know if you saw this, LTC? (No preasure intended C; ) ))
(Oh ok sounds great
she sounds like me! Well I'm not blind but the shy part and never leaving the house

Arren gave a bright smile and said,"great!"he starts to walk in the direction of the grill he wasn't sure how capable she was without being able to see so he kept looking back at her he didn't want to make her feel incapable though. Zurich looked up at the movie screen it just started,he smiled but it was not towards the movie like in class,he had started to unintentionally stare at her.So beautiful.
Alice turned and fell into step beside him. She used the small sounds of his steps to keep to the same pace. She had been blind for a few years now, and pushed herself to test her limits. She had pushed herself enough to have become a good shot with the handgun she was never without.

Danika watched the movie and brought her feet up into the seat with her, shifting around a bit until she was comfortable.
Alice turned and fell into step beside him. She used the small sounds of his steps to keep to the same pace. She had been blind for a few years now, and pushed herself to test her limits. She had pushed herself enough to have become a good shot with the handgun she was never without.

Danika watched the movie and brought her feet up into the seat with her, shifting around a bit until she was comfortable.

Arren calmly walked just ahead of her as if he didn't have a one worry.He kept a bright smile and headphones around his neck letting them play quietly just loud enough to barely hear.He kept no weapons on him for he was a very good fighter with just his fists.
Zurich smiled at her and would glance up at the movie at times but mostly watching her.He wanted to say something and noticeably almost did.
Arren calmly walked just ahead of her as if he didn't have a one worry.He kept a bright smile and headphones around his neck letting them play quietly just loud enough to barely hear.He kept no weapons on him for he was a very good fighter with just his fists. Zurich smiled at her and would glance up at the movie at times but mostly watching her.He wanted to say something and noticeably almost did.
Alice smiled as she walked with him. She could hear his headphones, though it was too soft to understand the words from the sleight distance. She was counting steps and glanced up, holding out a hand to touch the signpost at a cross street as she paused to listen for traffic

Danika noticed a movement and looked to him curiously
"Yes," Alexandra replied in a straightforward way, her slight Russin accent making her words sound colder than they were meant, though her expression was emotionless, in a true pokerface, "I'm Alexandra. I am, as you are, Feral. I want you as my hunting partner."

"And why is that?" Thomas replied cooly. "Why would you go out of your way to find me?"
Eli looked up when he heard the door open and little footsteps run into the living room. "You're already here?" his little sister, Katelyn squeaked. (She maybe used occasionally...)"I ran the whole way home!" Eli smiled slightly as she dropped a backpack on the floor. "Whatcha thinkin'?" She asked leaning on the table next to him. They both felt that what people were doing was usually pretty obvious. He returned his attention to his homework. "I need help." He said, somewhat guiltily. Katelyn gasped dramatically, "Did you meet a giiiirrrrlllll?!?!?" Then, without waiting an answer she yelled "MOOOOOOMMMM ELI IS GONNA GET A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" Eli jumped at her sudden screaming. "What? No! No! I-" he was cut off when his mom yelled down "GOOD FOR HIM!!" He sighed and dropped his face into his jacket sleeves. "No-I mean yes-no! I met a girl but No, she isn't my girlfriend!" It was at times like this he wished his dad was here. Katelyn was already laughing, and not listening. "Okay! well! Let's give you a crash course on girls!" She said jumping around.

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