~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

(Naïve? This is beyond naïve! This is become Bonnie to a shapeshifting, extra-psychopathic Clyde!) (Well THANK YOU! There is serious irking! I join you in Irkdom!)
((LOL! Danika and Zurich does not have the same ring to it as Bonnie and Clyde, so you guys should probably change their names if you're heading in that direction. How about... Dannie and Zyde? Nice, aye?))
(Yeah, tomorrow's Saturday, I believe.)
((I think so...))
(I got cookies to burn!)
((NOOO! Not cookies to burn!))
(No age limit! {I mean, you wouldn't want to have a baby, but why not a seven-year-old?})
((I'm going to make a baby character!))
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Thomas grinned, "Hey, I live here." Maybe the hair color was less seaweedy and more grassy…
Miana stared at him and raised both her eyebrows, she didn't feel one bit of sympathy for the guy who lived in this city. "Fine, take me to this 'good' sandwich place you claim is so good." she said and waved her hand out in front of her gesturing for him to show her the way. Miana smiled inside, she hadn't had some nice fun conversation in a while, so she would make the most of it.
Arren stayed quiet then said,"What's your sign?"He looked over at her full of curiosity.He remained calm and still.He was talking about her astrology sign,which he was interested in.
"Aries, what about you?" Alice asked curiously and smiled at him
"No problem..... rushing home?" Eli asked, somewhat understanding. When his sister was littler, she would convince him to play with her a lot. He was also her 'babysitter' more or less, and his mom had to leave to work a few minutes after his school let out, so he was always out the door and running down the street as fast as he possibly could.
"Uh, yeah..." Kevin answered. "My sister'll probably want me home."

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