Hi All,

I have been following this thread but haven't posted yet, sorry. I truly truly wish you all the best of luck with this. At the end of this month I will have been ciggy free for a year. Yay! (I did the cold turkey thing) so I know what you are going through.

The fact that you all have made this decision means that YOU are now in control of the cigs. They do not control you any more. You can do it. I found that whenever I wanted a smoke I had a glass of water instead. It really helped and I didn't put on too much weight either.

I've got my fingers crossed for you all. Best of luck. xx

PS EC, if only we could wean you off Sam!!!!
OKAY People I am very proud of everyone of you for doing what I could not do myself . but guess what I got me some patches!!! I am still determined to quit and today my mil gave me a brand new box of patches so here I go trying again!!!!! she herself is using chantix she has smoked for over 60 years and has been smoke free for 3 days now. she had to have surgery to put stents in her legs this past week and had some trouble and had to stay in hospital for 2 extra days. went 3 days without smoking smoked one this morning and she said it tasted bad and she didn't think she wanted anymore
she has really needed to quit for some time now. she has 2 stents in one leg 1 in another 1 in her kidney and tripple bypass surgery. her cardoid arteries are blocked also. so maybe she can quit I pray she can
We welcome you MIL on board the quitters she really will be the ultimate quitter 60 years!! I thought I was bad at 38 years of smoking......if you let me have your addy I will gladly send her a "Quitters Well Done card" from me.....
I am wishing all you wonderful people a wonderful day

every time i come here i have such a big smile on my face because you all have shown me that when everyone comes together as a group as one.. we can over come anything and that's just what you all are doing. when you have that extra voice telling you Yes You Can and when you look at the people around you.... it just makes you fight harder.. and i am very thankful that i know you all and can call you all my friends

Be safe and Be strong and have a wonderful day.
I am TRULY proud of everyone.

I fell off the wagon, but I am still not just smoking whenever I want. I WILL be a non smoker. I do not smoke in the house, car OR around my kids.
I have to go outside, walk around the house and go down into our basement, which believe ME I do not do very often!! LOL

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