The Society of Truth, an RP

A taxi pulled up and Tara got in with a smile “406 Oxland street law firm” she said, she didn’t know her sisters address but she could bet that her sister would be at her work. The driver nodded, and smiled at her, she frowned. There was something familiar about his eyes that she couldn’t place her finger on, she narrowed her eyes. They drove in silence for about an hour before they turned off the highway “um I don’t think we are going the right way” she said. There was no response, starting to feel a little frightened she pulled out her phone and tried to ring Alina, there was no reception, she tried again but still no bars.
sorry I didn't see this right away, ty for tagging me, can I still join or is it too late in the game?
if I can play heres my form
Name: Persila
Gender: F
Power (If a Protector): healing
Description: long golden brown (she's kinda a vain brat about her hair), green eyes, with a red clover always tucked behind her ear, tall, uglyish nose.
Personality: sweet, and clever, but kinda groumpy, secretive, and sometimes a little quick to place a harsh jugment.
Other: has a pet dove that clings to her shoulder,(if this is allowed) also, I'm open to character crushes.
sorry I didn't see this right away, ty for tagging me, can I still join or is it too late in the game?
if I can play heres my form
Name: Persila
Gender: F
Power (If a Protector): healing
Description: long golden brown (she's kinda a vain brat about her hair), green eyes, with a red clover always tucked behind her ear, tall, uglyish nose.
Personality: sweet, and clever, but kinda groumpy, secretive, and sometimes a little quick to place a harsh jugment.
Other: has a pet dove that clings to her shoulder,(if this is allowed) also, I'm open to character crushes.

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