The Society of Truth, an RP

“I just wanted to tell you I wasn’t intending to...” she looked at her feet reddening “I wasn’t intending on taking your sisters fiancé” she said meeting Alina’s eyes.
Her blue eyes were serious “and I really hope you won’t hate me for it”
Alina's expression didn't change for a moment. She gazed deeply into Tara's eyes with her own azure ones. She was nodding slightly, as if what she saw - whatever that was - confirmed her expectations - whatever they were.

But before Tara had time to panic and wonder what she would say, she smiled. It wasn't her regular half-smile, the one that said I'm-smiling-because-it's-polite, it was an I-just-can't-keep-a-smile-off-my-face smile. It was happy, glowing, radiant even.

"I thought Calder was going to tell you what I told him," she said, her voice reproachful but her blue eyes still dancing. "You said you saw Michaela. Well, that just proves her right. She said - a couple of weeks before she died - that she didn't want Calder to be hanging on to memories. She said that if that was how it worked in the next world, she'd be watching. And I think she was right, because you saw her. She'd be happy for Calder, and I'm going to be happy for you on her behalf."
(Gah, I disappeared for the weekend again :barnie! Sorry! Next time this happens, whoever wants to can RP Elsie [and Blue if she ever does come into play]. I'll pick up where I left off as Elsie was at HQ and not much has happened there).

The light was blinding as the shadows all around her subsided, slinking back to wherever they'd come from. Elsie stumbled back, the world fading between color and shadows. She pulled herself into a chair, rubbing her temples as she watched the darkness fade away. Not doing that again in a hurry she though. Yet somehow the sensation had been enlightening: it showed her the pain you sometimes needed to endure in order to continue.
Alina's expression didn't change for a moment. She gazed deeply into Tara's eyes with her own azure ones. She was nodding slightly, as if what she saw - whatever that was - confirmed her expectations - whatever they were.

But before Tara had time to panic and wonder what she would say, she smiled. It wasn't her regular half-smile, the one that said I'm-smiling-because-it's-polite, it was an I-just-can't-keep-a-smile-off-my-face smile. It was happy, glowing, radiant even.

"I thought Calder was going to tell you what I told him," she said, her voice reproachful but her blue eyes still dancing. "You said you saw Michaela. Well, that just proves her right. She said - a couple of weeks before she died - that she didn't want Calder to be hanging on to memories. She said that if that was how it worked in the next world, she'd be watching. And I think she was right, because you saw her. She'd be happy for Calder, and I'm going to be happy for you on her behalf."
She stood and smiled over her shoulder at him before walking into Alina’s workroom, “need any help?” She asked timidly
Calder watched Tara leave, returning her smile for one of his. He glanced down at his hand when she'd gone, the warmth of her fingers laced in his still just-about tangible.

Then, standing, he quickly ran experienced hands over the now rumpled bedding and smoothed it, before sauntering down the stairs and taking a book from the well-stocked shelf in the living room. In a bold, golden typeface, the spine of the book proclaimed its name: The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas.

He'd read it before, and returned time and again to the beauty of the descriptions of Paris - and to the heroism and chivalry of those old days. Had there ever really been days like that? Where exactly was Paris? He resolved, as soon as Elend was liberated, to head there. He wanted to see this palace - the 'Louvre', and everything else Dumas had described.
Alina's expression didn't change for a moment. She gazed deeply into Tara's eyes with her own azure ones. She was nodding slightly, as if what she saw - whatever that was - confirmed her expectations - whatever they were.

But before Tara had time to panic and wonder what she would say, she smiled. It wasn't her regular half-smile, the one that said I'm-smiling-because-it's-polite, it was an I-just-can't-keep-a-smile-off-my-face smile. It was happy, glowing, radiant even.

"I thought Calder was going to tell you what I told him," she said, her voice reproachful but her blue eyes still dancing. "You said you saw Michaela. Well, that just proves her right. She said - a couple of weeks before she died - that she didn't want Calder to be hanging on to memories. She said that if that was how it worked in the next world, she'd be watching. And I think she was right, because you saw her. She'd be happy for Calder, and I'm going to be happy for you on her behalf."
“He told me that you were proud of him. I just wanted to make sure things were okay between you and I” she smiled back filled with relief

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