The story of blind Blink ❤️ +the story of the three raccoons


Sep 5, 2021
Northwest Washington, USA (near Seattle)
Blind Blink: In 2015 we had a batch of chicks consisting of 3 EEs and 2 production reds. One of the EEs would stare up at you and blink whenever you walked past or stoped to look at them. I named her Blink of course! Then, years later (I want to say late fall 2018 or 2019) I come home and my family’s like “we’re sorry to tell you but something happened to one of your chickens” and of course it’s my favorite, sweet, fluffy Blinky-Boo. Apparently while I was gone an otter had came and bit her on the neck. My dad had heard the squabble and came out to see what had happened and he got there in time to save her but we soon realized she was blind in both eyes. I was horrified. She was my girl and I couldn’t believe this had happened to her. We did research, talked it out, and just spent time simply sitting next to her and talking to her. With regards to her food first we gave her water, then yogurt then chicken food, water and yogurt mixed together then food and water mixed together then eventually just food and water. She was sad and slow at first but now she’s gotten better, she can find her food and water without help if we always put them in the same spot, she lays pretty green eggs, and she responds to you if you say “Blink-Blink.” We keep her near the other chickens but not with them because they pick on her really bad (yes we’ve tried). And yes it is a complete coincidence (or maybe fate) that her name is Blink. Also funny part: I got so freaked out because upon inspection there was a “thing” sticking out of the base of her tail ish area and I thought it was some sort of bone only to learn it was her oil gland🤪
Now for the raccoons: One late night as I laid in bed I realized I hadn’t locked up the chickens! At that time we kept our girls in the orchard. As I walked out I couldn’t even feel the still cold because I was so nervous for what I would find! I entered the run, 1,2,3,4 all accounted for in that coop 1,2,3,4,5,6 all accounted for this coop. Lock, lock. Good everyone’s safe. I stood there looking around, it was pretty, a clear night, stars galore, the dew drops hanging of the lower leaves were glittering in my flashlight. Or wait, not dew drops, as I got closer six glowing eyes, reflecting my flashlight, we’re staring back at me, waiting for me to leave so they could gourge on fallen fruit. But they would have had more than fruit for a snack if I hadn’t locked up my girls!
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