The Sun will dance no more.RIP my sweet girl.

First of all I am so sorry you lost Sundance :hugs :hugs someday you Will meet again!

When I first got chickens I put in an automatic door, the gang was very good about getting in before it shut. Well, one night my rooster stood in the doorway pecking at something at the top of the ramp and I watched in horror from inside as the door came down on his skull :( I ran outside and he had manged to get loose but his eyes began bruising and swelling, his whole head did :( and he passed away. I think he suffered a skull facture which caused brain swelling.
Sorry I got so discriptive, just thought I'd let you know.
And again I'm very sorry you lost your friend, :hugs
Oh, I'm so sorry about your special girl. I lost my baby to a coyote a few weeks ago. We'll see our beloved friends again.
I remember when you lost her. yea, it's like a piece of us goes too. But we go on. I am down to 10 now, 9 girls and 'Bird. One is laying internally and there seems to be nothing I can do for her as well. I have tried the warm baths, massages, etc. She does not seem to be in any pain.eats well and drinks good,but she stands around pretty much and you can tell she is uncomfortable. I am not sure how long to let her go on with it.

Hate to say it so soon, but I think I am going to be needing some more babies in the coop. Why when we NEED a broody we never have one? I dont really want to go get some new chicks, well of COURSE I want to get some new chicks,but I have a 4 day vacation coming up in August, and dont want to leave them for that. So I would be looking at getting them in August, and I really dont want to a have them outside in the cold in November with the rest.

what to do........
Shucks. I know what you mean, fishnet. It was hard for me to get excited about getting chicks but felt like I had to since I was down to 2. And now that we'll be getting them really soon I am excited. Have a beer with Bird tomorrow. He looks like a good listener.
lolol Gardengal. Yea, he hears it all!!!!!! It's just wierd when he actually listens!!! (as I chuckle out loud) no more beer for 'Bird. I learned they can't burp, so it can really harm them to have carbonation. ALthough I know they can spit up, why cant they burp?????

yea, I need a few more babies. AND hubby is ok with it. (no way.... what does he want.... I can SEE this coming) I just need to figure out how to time it with my 4 day vacation. hmmm.... If i get chicks after August 12th, they will still be little when it gets cold.

Time to go adopt a few more little older girls I think. Checked the chicken rescue sites today. I am really scared of bringing in any disease though. I got lucky with my last two adoptees.....

Luv my MayMay and Elly though.
I didn't know that about the carbonation. Poor Bird! Our chicks last year were 2 - 3 weeks old, and that was a good age. They were sturdy enough to be raised by a newbie, and young enough to still be babies and bond to us. There are a number of farms near us saying they might have pullets later in the season. Bird won't know what to do with all those young ladies :)

We'll never forget our chickens. And they won't forget us either.
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I'm sorry for your loss. I had just recently lost my special hen. She was an astrolorp; one of my first and my favorite. It's hard losing a very special hen.

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