Exactly. I also have both mixed and pure. my receiver may get both, maybe not. I wont identify what they are or which ones. If that person chooses to take them to the next available auction, so be it.

Just a thought but maybe instead of listing what is wanted, next time we should list what we don't want or wont accept?
If a person has pure, and only wants pure in return they should not be given a swap partner that does not have pure. If I wanted mixed, I would have asked for mixed .... I don't want to use my incubator space for something I don't want, and I sure don't want to feed something I don't want. I guess this will be my first and last time to try this swap. I enjoy swapping eggs ... but not if I will receive something other than what I requested.

I can totally empathize with marie_martin and if my swap partner only has mixed ... I'd rather not be sent the eggs. If anyone is sending eggs to me that are mixed, I am not interested in them and please save the money you would have spent on postage and give the eggs to someone that wants them. We should have a right to not receive something that we have not asked for and do not want.
In the last swap I said I had mixed and I asked for pure and I was told that those who had pure eggs had first dibs on pure eggs.

I can't have mixed eggs. I have pure eggs to sen out but I request pure because I can not have mixed. I'd rather throw out the eggs if they've already been sent then hatch mixed breeds. If I wanted mixed I would have put so on the form. If I had known there was a possibility of not getting pure I would not have joined.

I hate to be a pain but siz would you mind letting me know weather or not I am getting pure or mutts? I'm happy to send out eggs to my partner even if I don't receive any eggs. I'd rather no eggs than crossbreeds.

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I hate the PO. Just checked delivery confirmation # for the eggs I sent Monday morning via Priority Mail and they weren't delivered yesterday! Fingers and toes crossed they arrive today and are ok.
OK, there are only as many "pure" eggs as what people sign up with. It is no one's fault if there were not enough pure to go around. You folks wanting pure should have understood there was an extreme possibility that most folks signing up would have mixed eggs simply because folks with pure would rather sell than give away. If you didn't want mixed eggs you should have said so in your email since mixed eggs were an obvious possibility. If you get mixed and don't want to take up incubator or brooder space, toss 'em in the trash. Stop turning something that was supposed to be FUN into a free-for-all bash. Can we all just get over it and go back to having fun before a lot of feelings get hurt and this thread ends up locked????

*back under my rock*
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Ok everyone how about you all calm the hell down!! there are only 2-3 people that are not getting exactly what they asked for. I did not do the past swaps so I had no idea how to make everyone happy I had already had my half of the list done and sent out when hope said she could not do it so thats what happens. Cory your safe so dont freak out.
Well I for 1 am happy. I got a box today, and it was a surprise. I went to the PO and he asked me if I wanted 2 packages. Huh? I just had to mail one out this morning. Well there were the silkie eggs I bought from Silkie, and another box....with SS eggs. There were 6 of them + 2 extras-don't know what they are, but I'll love trying to hatch them and figure it out. 1 of the SS eggs broke, and I think its too broken to try to drip wax on and attempt to hatch it. It is oozing egg white, and there are lots of little hairline cracks around the big main crack. SHould I toss that one?
This is my first swap and I love it. I have my eggs almost ready to go out to the first person who bought them, then my swap eggs will be collected and go out. My partner knows that....I thank you Siz for doing this- you can't always please all the people. By now, we adults should know that. My teens and kids are still learning that....but this is just for fun, and you've been giving your time and energy to it. So I thank you. Also, Borg in California 96003, thank you for the eggs. They were packed so nicely.Is SS speckled Sussex? I love them- I only have 1 hen-her sister died young.I'll let you know what hatches in 3 weeks.
Thanks again! I love this!
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ya lisa I would toss the broke one. If the white is leaking its to far gone. I bought 6 GL cochin banties on ebay she sent 7 none were broke or anything but not a single one is good.
I am happy and excited and I don't even have my eggs yet however I think I know who they are coming from. Should I tell my partner when their eggs will be shipped so they will know or not?

It's not that I don't like mixed breeds, but do you realize how hard it is to sell mixed breeds? All of my swap chicks are going to end up being sold and mix chickens expecially roosters you can't sell for any amount of money and I'd have to end up giving the away.

I just have no room for mutts. I already have a bunch of roos I'm trying to sell.

Your doing a great job siz, just don't scare me like that.

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