If I hadn't been on this board so long to KNOW you guys were kiddin around I would be onneee burnt cookie
OK, so now I'm really upset. I said in several threads here that I only requested pure large fowl and that if the person who received my name only had mixed to please save their money and do not send mixed eggs to me. Well, I work night shift, and I just woke up to several emails ... the first telling me they only had mixed and wouldn't send the eggs to me, and that their email only told them to send large fowl eggs. So, first, I forwarded my original email that I sent in for this swap which shows I have pure large fowl and wanted pure large fowl, then I replied to their email and said thank you for not sending the mixed eggs. Then, I open another email from this person, and they said they sent the eggs

I really am frustrated about this ... I specifically requested that I not receive mixed eggs ... they read what I posted ... and they are sending the eggs anyway?
It is good at times to know who your partner is. I reqested "anything but bantams". I received eggs that were obviously larger than chicken eggs, but didn't know what they were. So I followed all my clues and found my partner. I sent a pm asking what they were (not specific, just general, duck, goose) so I would know how to incubate. Worked out, they're ducks. I'm so excited.
Yep, because i snuck money from the milk jar and went and purchased some for you. Wouldn't want anyone to be 'unhappy'.

Oh, and my two messages i sent you were 24 hours apart.
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Yep, because i snuck money from the milk jar and went and purchased some for you. Wouldn't want anyone to be 'unhappy'.

Awwww. How sweet!

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