YEAH! That HAS to be me!!

Sorry it's not you Sharon.

Awww crud I bet it's Margaret! LOL She's the only other person in Va I know participating. So I still don't know who is sending me waterfowl.
My eggs arrived today! All arrived safe and sound though some look a little porous and a couple had some poop on them. I am so excited they will be going into the bator this evening.

I am so proud of myself I had the bator empty for a whole day!
I wouldn't worry about the poop.... a chicken nest is far from clean when a hen is sitting broody for 3 wks. Most folks believe washing hatching eggs is a big no-no as it removes the "bloom" which lets bacteria inside the shell easier....

Best of luck with a great hatch !!

S n M
I'm a teacher and just got home from work and found a box...of eggs! Completely unexpected! You were very generous to send 8, I have 3 that are ready to go and others that I can send but I'm not sure if it's safe to send them because they're already developing inside their shells. I read this thread just now and was laughing because I didn't realize the angst that so many people were going through. I emailed you with my number. Call me and let me know what you think. Your eggs arrived cross country in one day (packed very nicely)! The funniest thing is that I saw some of the eggs (never having hatched anything before) and said to myself, "Hmm...these look kind of familiar...I wonder if all banty eggs look like mine!"

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