I still have no swap partner, can you PM with my name and address please!
I am so glad that you got them and they weren't damaged. That was my first time shipping so I was not sure. I hope you have good luck hatching them and like what you get. I don't know what breed my roo is so it will really be a surprise!!!!!
Was it me???

I think so unless there is another BYCer in Okanogan. Let me know how they do.
I've got a dilemma, I can ship my partner 7 eggs today or wait another day to be able to send 8 to her. (My 2 hens like to lay later in the day. ) I'm not sure what most people would want. If I ship today, will the box just sit on a truck or in a PO all day Sunday anyway? If I ship (Priority Mail) tomorrow morning, then they'd arrive Monday morning, I think. I did that last week and even shipped to Tx and the eggs were ready to pick up at their local PO at 8 am Monday morning!
Let me know what most of you would do. I'm leaning toward waiting 'til tomorrow morning.
Carole AM- so glad they made it! Keep me posted on the incubation!

Was it me???

I think so unless there is another BYCer in Okanogan. Let me know how they do.

Corey--I got them, THANKS! 5 made it--and the 6th was cracked very slightly--I tried to open it as carefully as I could but it was wrapped so tightly that I ended up completely smashing it to bits!

The others rested overnight & were put in the 'bator this morning--thanks!!!

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