I have pure eggs to send to a swap partner, but I don't really want to take the chance of not getting pure inreturn, so I don't know if I will be joining this time.....
I did not join up last minute either time and ended up with mixed eggs for March and was going to for April even though I sent pure eggs? So it is just a chance you take Tiffany. I appreciate the work that goes into the swaps but I know that I don't need any mixed chickens to have to re-home so I will just do the private swaps. Just be aware that this can and does happen.

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I think you should only be able to sign up for 1 thing. Then what you can give is what you would get. That way the group of people offering pure standard would be rotated with each other and the group of pure banty would be rotated with those people and so on. I realize people might have many things they can send but just list one thing. EX:

I have mutt standards, then Tom, Dick and Jane all say they have mutt standards. I might get Toms name, Tom would get Dicks name and Dick would get Janes name. I would then get Janes name and every one would get eggs of what they are sending.

People could also say mutt goose or pure goose but be on the understanding that no one else might give those. If not then they can me PMed and told that no one else signed up with that and if they would like to sign up under a different catagory. Just my 2 pennies worth. Jenn
Well this month is gonna be different now that i know what to do so if you dont enjoy the hatch ........dont join

Not trying to be a B&^$& but I dont want anyone to get mad at me again This time i will match up all the people with pure fist then do the mutt people lol
I haven't participated in the swaps so my opinion doesn't really count.....but I do a fair amount of plant swapping, and I do purebred dog rescue (dobermans), so I do understand the concept of fair exchange and pure vs. mutt .

IMVHO, people who offer purebreds should get purebreds in return. People who offer mutts should get mutts in return. Period. People should not expect to receive more value than they offer, and people who offer value should not have to worry about what they'll receive.

Wow then that would get really extensive and would totally blow any secrecy to it.... Personally, I like being able to offer waterfowl and get chicken in return...Since my WF are pure, I want pure chickens. However, if I decided to offer my mixed flock of chickens, I would TOTALLY understand only getting mixed flock in return.
Just for the record, I was never mad at you. I just did not appreciate other members making me feel like I was a bad person because I did not want the mixed eggs. I understand that it could not be an easy task and I applaud you for your efforts. Hope everyone gets what they want. BTW, my March eggs ended up being mixed too and you had nothing to do with that one. So I was not blaming you at all. Just thought the rules needed to be changed and you did that. You are not a B$%#@ by any means and neither am I. Good luck with all of the hatches, hope everyone gets lots of babies.


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