no conspiracy, just want to make sure I know when they are coming. I promise. My P. O. does not always call me even when the box says to.

My post office refuses to call, says they are too busy to look for phone numbers to call.
They will call for the chicks though. In the past 5 years they once brought me a box to my door because it was leaking. Otherwise they are stuffed into mailboxes and they put a key in my box. doesn't seem to matter even if labeled eggs, fragile, perishable, please call..... or what ever. I swear she's part PETA.

File a complaint, her boss has a boss. If it is says hold at post off, call for pickup, don't freeze they have to pay attention to it, it is policy according to my local post offices. Threaten to bake them some cookies using the cracked eggs if they don't knock it off...

I swear, my carrier is lazy but honestly, everyone else here really does try, i.e. why I have even received phone calls in the middle of the night from the main hub p.o. in my area. Wasilla is a much bigger town than North Pole... how can they allow a little backwater show them up so bad. If you file a formal complaint, they do have to address it... trust me when I was a carrier, I had a lady complain that someone was taking her mail... apparently her husband was checking the mail before she could every day. We had to look into it, I had to answer to the carrier boss even though I hadn't done anything wrong.

The squeaky wheel gets oiled first, squeak louder...

I am just hoping my number is on my package... I have no way of knowing when it was sent, who it was sent by other than it isn't coming from you, lol. Hopefully, they wrote eggs on the package, it does seem to help the P.O. communicate better.

Keeping my
that one day your carrier will hear a loud popping noise and realize the sun is out,
Well, I am not telling everyone to PM ksacres, but that is what I did and asked her to let my person know they were shipped. so you could just post here I guess and then ksacres can pm that person?? Not trying to make work for you though, sorry.

You're right. i need to put my complaint in writing. I've talked my face blue. taken packages that were square boxes and arrived looking like someone gift wrapped a bowling ball back to the post office and ask for an explanation about the treatment of my 'fragile' box and how it arrived. All i ever get is, well it should have been boxed, padded, etc better. Must be able to handle normal shipping practices or they aren't responsible, etc.

My last box was a flat, flat rate. and i mean flat! It looked like a 3 ring binder. on one side it's 4" height was reduced to near nothing. good thing nothing fragile was in it, just my DE.

Nope, no box from me. I know where mine is coming from and where mine is going though because it was arranged 'outside' the actual swap when i didn't get matched up.

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