The true cost of backyard eggs!

I love my friends who say things like, "You guys always get your eggs for FREE!" Sure, we do.
Our "free" eggs are currently running close to $12.00/dozen.

At least these days the chickens are paying their feed bill.

I don't expect to see our initial investment repaid, I'm happy to cover the feed cost and to have some eggs for ourselves.
I also have some chickens that lay eggs with bloodspots in them.
Those eggs I scramble back up and feed to them. Pets that feed themselves.

They love warm scrambled eggs in the winter!
My Dad is an old mean farmer. Tonight I was showing him the plans for my new chicken coop. He was incredulous. "Your eggs are going to cost you $100 a dozen!" He said. "It's just not worth it!" - It's the love of the game, Dad. It's the love of the game.

When I first started knitting - my husband figured yarn couldn't be that expensive. One day (several years later) - he saw a receipt for that yarn - now I get the stink eye everytime I walk in the door with some -

I'm hoping it will be another several years before he thinks too hard about what those free eggs cost
Weeeeeell some things are better than money IMO.

It's snowing in Arkansas today, you know what that means. Huge rush to WalMart to buy eggs, bread, & milk, among other things. Traffic will be bad, lines will be long, and stores will run out.

Guess what?? All I have to do is walk across the back yard!

I buy outlet bread in bulk so my freezer is full of bread, and I only buy evaporated milk in a can for baking becauase fresh milk always spoils before I use it up.

See, I'm not out there battling all the crazies!
I will have fresh eggs and toast in the morning, whether or not it snows - sans the wild trip to WalMart!
There was a thread the other day about some guy's spreadsheet to track expenses. Good grief, if I did that, I'd never hear the end of it.

I took a sick chicken into the midnight vet a few days ago (40cc of fluids perked her up, I think it was sour crop from eating something weird and then not eating or drinking for 2 days) and figured I need to sell 240 of her eggs to pay for the trip. Good thing for her she has a name or she'd have been served with roasted carrots last night.

These aren't money-making livestock, they're useful pets.
I'm lucky and was able to build my coop for a grand total of $7. And it is a pretty big coop (large enough for 24 hens but I have just 12 right now) I love recycled materials!

I've been selling my eggs to hubby's co workers for $1 per doz but that is going to go up. It is more of a "good will" venture than any hopes of making money off them.

I also have a fridge FULL of eggs that I don't have room for and just can't eat them all. Even with the cold/snow we've been having, I'm still getting on average 10 eggs a day (from 12 hens).

We sell just enough eggs to cover their feed.
Even though we live in California where everything seems to be a little more expensive, so far I always broke even with all my costs and the eggs laid (incl. the coop, run, shavings, feed.....). I kept all the receipts and I sell my eggs for $ 4.20 a dozen.

Last month I had to take one of my girls to the veterinarian. Initial visit $ 40 plus $ 70 for a fecal and medications. I also perked her up with lots of meal worms and crickets from the pet store, which are ridiculous expensive here. But hey, she is better today and at least a relationship to a good veterinarian has been established, which can be priceless in the future. I refuse to count the costs of that.....
I think our pen costed out at about $400 all up - including a 2nd hand coop that we got from a friend for $50. The most expensive item was the Laserlite roofing (a kind of see-through corrugated fibreglass), which we have used on the sides and about 2/3 of the roof, so it matches the house. We are lucky because we don't have particularly cold winters here in Melbourne, Australia (lucky to get below 5 degrees celcius on a winter night) however we do get HOT summers (many 35 degree C (95 deg F) or more days. Last summer we got up to 115 deg F
- we didn't have chickens then though, but one of our canaries died from the heat. Not really looking forward to the February heat this year!

We paid about $20 each for our birds (5 Barnevelders and 2 gold pencilled Hamburgs), who were about 13 or 14 weeks old, we have now had them for about 7 weeks, and we are still waiting for our first egg! The Barnies do not look anywhere near laying, but one of the Hamburgs might not be far away - she has turned very red around the face and her comb is starting to grow. We pay about $30 for a 40kg bag of organic feed, which lasts about 6 weeks or so. Our chickens free range in our back yard every day.

To buy free range eggs costs about $6.50 per dozen, up to $8.50 for 'organic free range' from the supermarket - which I have my doubts about whether they really are 'free range' - although they are certified organic. Regular cage eggs cost about $4.00 per dozen. I am not sure if we will sell our eggs, and at what cost yet - I am too busy waiting for them to lay LOL!

The entertainment value and "family bonding" they provide is priceless, however
At least Chickens pay back something. I haven't caluclated the cost for my two lazy cats and Puppy dog but I'm sure it's not good, but I luv em anyway.

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