The Truth About Processed Foods


Poultry Crank
12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Leesville, SC
The original title added the word "shocking," but I'm not really much on hype and sensationalism. The cold truth is normally enough, when it is ugly, and rarely needs embellishment.
Now, I'm sure much of this is old news to the "food extremists" of the group, but it is still fun to knock this stuff around. There is nothing like a decent processed food "bash up" to make you feel good.

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Not neccesarily - but the possibility exists on this side of the Atlantic as it does in Britain - and the FDA allows for it.

That is the greater point of this: "Just what is in there?" And the truth doesn't have to be hype. Shocking to some, I suppose, is the fact that the media isnt always biased, leading or manipulative. Sometimes they just tell you what is what.

For years, my mother worked in a cannery and the things that used to find their way into the product was, well, interesting to say the least. It wasn't reported in the news, but it happened regardless.

Maggots in your Jiffy? It is possible, although *thankfully* they would be ground up so fine that you wouldn't know it.
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Food Inc is a documentary about industrial food systems. I've got it on hold from the library. I'm less concerned about bugs in the PB than I am about toxins/poisons in virtually every food.
Personally, I think that anyone who believes nothing gross winds up in our food is naive. Factories are factories. Heck our chickens eat bugs and we eat their eggs!!! All a natural cycle. Our bodies can handle most of it.
This is right. Lori's friend, Michelle, once found a big @ssed worm in her Sonic slushie. Her lawyer told her "no case."
It seems the strawberry preserves used in the slushie are a natural product, and by law, a certain amount of buggy things were allowed.

When you see these things from your stomachs' perspective, it is all grist for the mill. Heck, if Bear Grylls can eat grubs, so can we.
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