The Twilight Zone


Waiting for Spring...
11 Years
Aug 22, 2008
Does anyone else watch or like this show? It's only ever on at weird hours now on the Sci Fi channel, but sometimes they have a marathon of it that I will watch some of.

Do you have a favorite episode?
DON'T GET ME STARTED ON TZ!!! I watched the entire 48 hour New Years marathon last year!!! I am so bummed that they don't seem to be airing it regularly anymore, just the marathons. I keep meaning to buy the complete box set but it's so expensive!! One of my favorite episodes is "To Serve Man" but honestly I haven't seen an episode that I don't love! ROD SERLING IS THE MAN!!!
"To Serve Man" Scares me to death!! If I see that one on, I'll change the channel and then just pop in every once in a while. It just creeps me out.

Isn't there a 4th of July Marathon too?
I love the Twilight Zone. I watched a lot of the marathon New Years. I don't know if another is scheduled or not. My favorite episodes are "Time Enough at Last" and "Obsolete Man"
"Mirror Image" and "A World of His Own"! Ooh ooh!!! Also the one where that guy builds this huge artificial intelligence machine that can answer questions, only it falls in love with him and sabotages a blossoming relationship he tries to pursue with a female coworker! I forgot what it's called!

Schultz, those are both awesome episodes! Both make me a little teary eyed, though! Haha such a sap.

Andy123, how can you not love "To Serve Man"?!?!

I thought this was another Twilight thread...the movie Twilight...

K its time for me to go to bed...

I will add that i was so afraid of that show when I was a kid I remember my sister and her friends watching it and because I could hear the TV in my room it scared the pants off of me...
Yes, I really love them all. I actually DVR'ed some when the marathon was on and I can at least get a little fix. It's really too bad Rod Serling died at such an early age, right before my 5th birthday
"Come Wander With Me", "A World of His Own", "Mirror Image"

I probably have seen these, but I don't know them by their names. What happens in them?​

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