Olufemi Muftau
Dear farmer friends, i appreciate you all for accepting into the educative forum about poultry birds, but first, let me wish everyone in the house a wonderful and prosperous new year ahead. I have a lot of questns begging for answs regarding poultry birds on my mind among which is:
what is the generally accepted definition of pullets in poultry, pls be detailed and specific and if possible, state souce cos i have 16 weeks of 600 layers mixed some cocks brooded in my pen right now. From what age to what age do i refer to them as pullets? Thanks
what is the generally accepted definition of pullets in poultry, pls be detailed and specific and if possible, state souce cos i have 16 weeks of 600 layers mixed some cocks brooded in my pen right now. From what age to what age do i refer to them as pullets? Thanks