*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Linnet nodded. "And you better introduce him to me, this knight, or you'll never hear the end of it!" She threatened jokingly

Edwin saw Peter. "What are you doing right now?" He asked

Gwen nodded blushing slightly. "Of course."

Peter shrugged. "I was going to nap, do you have something better?"
"Good," linnet said. "Do your parents know you two have met?" She aske
Edwin shrugged. "No. Just thinking maybe a quick ride. Are you dreading tomorrow as much as I am?" He asked
Gwen shook her head. "I dont think they would appreciate me talking to young men who aren't Edwin."

Peter smirked. "I have no reason to."
Gwen shook her head. "I dont think they would appreciate me talking to young men who aren't Edwin."

Peter smirked. "I have no reason to."
Linnet nodded understandingly. "Do you think Edwin cares for you? Like...um–love?" She asked hesitantly
"Tell me, Peter. What's your secret to being so happy when you know your own wishes wouldn't work out?" Edwin said to Peter. He was of course, referring to his own wishes, not Peter's
Maud went to Linnet's room to tidy up. She wondered who had sent Gwen the unsigned note
"Oh" she started to walk outside.
Katrina opened one of the two doors inside the house. One led to a bedroom. For Jenel, she supposed. The other was a library, parlor of sorts, it appeared. The main room had a fireplace to cook over, and a table and chairs. Crude as it was, she thought it kinda cozy. She didn't bother checking it the loft. Let the guys deal with it, she thought
Edmund hummed to himself.
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Linnet nodded understandingly. "Do you think Edwin cares for you? Like...um–love?" She asked hesitantly
"Tell me, Peter. What's your secret to being so happy when you know your own wishes wouldn't work out?" Edwin to Peter. He was of course, referring to own wishes, not Peter's
Maud went to Linnet's room to tidy up. She wondered who had sent Gwen the unsigned note

Gwen shook her head. "I think its obvious that he doesn't." She sighed. "But it is okay, the feeling is mutual."

Peter shrugged. "I dont have any wishes that are impossible. My life is simple, nobody controls me."
Linnet looked into her lap. "Mutual, you say?" She felt bad for Gwen, and had ever since the treaty had been read. She sipped her tea, thinking about her own feelings and how she'd feel if thIngs couldn't work out the way she wanted.
Edwin sighed. "You don't realize how lucky you are," he said as he turned to leave the doorway
As Fawn swung, her hand slipped and she fell from the branch, landing on her back. "Ow!" She yelled, then quickly covered her mouth, hoping no one had heard, or seen her. She got up slowly, her back sore
Edmund ordered for his horse to be groomed to a perfect shine fro tomorrow
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Linnet looked into her lap. "Mutual, you say?" She felt bad for Gwen, and had ever since the treaty had been read. She sipped her tea, thinking about her own feelings and how she'd feel if thIngs couldn't work out the way she wanted.
Edwin sighed. "You don't realize how lucky you are," he said as he turned to leave the doorway
As Fawn swung, her hand slipped and she fell from the branch, landing on her back. "Ow!" She yelled, then quickly covered her mouth, hoping no one had heard, or seen her. She got up slowly, her back sore
Edmund ordered for his horse to be groomed to a perfect shine fro tomorrow

Gwen sighed. "I really wish Father wouldn't make me do this."

Peter frowned. "Edwin, I do hope that you find a way to work things out."

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