*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp


May 18, 2015
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A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and unstood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games Forum.

B) I promise that all content will be G rated and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censored by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding, or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

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All Byc rules (above.)

Be realistic (no magic, flying, etc)

This is a Nonfantasy RP

The Alnwicks and the Edinburghs have been enemies for many generations. In order to restore the peace, the Alnwick princess and the Edinburgh prince are being forced into marriage. But what if they don't wish to marry? What if they are already in love? Will they find a way to make peace, or will they be forced into a war that will affect many generations to come?

Two sides: Alnwick & Edinburgh

Edinburgh king: Open
Edinburgh queen: Open
Edinburgh prince: Silkiecuddles
Prince's younger siblings (up to 4): Open
Edinburgh servants: CrazyChickLady7, chickensamazing
Edinburgh knights: CrazyChickLady7, Casper101Popcor
Assassins: Tamingmaster
King's advisor: Open
Prince's Best friend: Taken by CrazyChickLady7

Alnwick King: Open
Alnwick Queen: Open
Alnwick Princess: Taken by CrazyChickLady7
Princess's younger siblings: Open
Alnwick servants: Silkiecuddles
Alnwick knights: Silkiecuddles
Assassins: Takingmaster (has 2)
King's advisor: Open
Princess's best friend: Silkiecuddles

Character page: The Verge Of War Character Page
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Name: Gwen Alnwick
Personality:kind, caring, courageous
Skills:musically talented. Plays flute harp, horse backing, speeches
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Princess
History: Grew up in the castle knowing that her marriage would be arranged, but hasn't come to embrace the fact until just recently
Description:fiery red hair, curls,porcelain skin, freckles, medium height, delicate frame, green eyes
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Name: Peter Nicholson
Age: 18
Personality: Daring, reckless, brave
Skills:swordsmanship, archery, horsebacking
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Nobleman (prince's best friend)
History: Grew up in a wealthy Nobel family, his mother died when his little sister was born
Description: Dark, curly hair, suntanned skin from always being outside, strong athletic build, medium height, brown eyes
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Name: Ollie
Age: 8
Gender: male
Personality- troublemaker, fun,
Skills- (can you give me some ideas)
Side(castle name)- umm, shots mine just stay the same?
History- ????
Description: has black hair and always wears unmatching clothes, dark brown eyes, has olive skin, creative
What is his rank is be like the princes little brother a servant or if you came up with something else. Skills could be could be swordsmanship, archery, wall scaling it could be anything really.for history he could have grown up in the castle or maybe he was an orphan welcomed into the castle. Or maybe he is training to be an assassin. Whatever you want really get creative

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