*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Hahahah! Sorry for the typos. Hehe trying to hurry)

Linnet was hurried into a shed nearby. It was dark inside. A gruff voice asked, "Who was that man?"
(Oh whoops pretend the person removed the rag before asking the question)

Linnet wasn't sure whom she was answering. "Who are you?"
"Who I am is none of your concern. Answer my question."
Linnet could feel a blade tip touching her neck. "Peter--Duke Peter."
(Oh whoops pretend the person removed the rag before asking the question)

Linnet wasn't sure whom she was answering. "Who are you?"
"Who I am is none of your concern. Answer my question."
Linnet could feel a blade tip touching her neck. "Peter--Duke Peter."
"Why were you with him?" The voice asked.
"I was in the garden, and he showed up. We talked. It wasn't planned, I promise," Linnet replied quietly.
"What did you discuss?"
'Nothing of consequence," Linnet replied honestly.
Linnet sensed the person moving behind her. A glass of liquid was forced into her mouth. A few minutes of silence, then Linnet fell into a deep sleep.

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