*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Ok then everyone is there except Katrina.)

Katrina pulled the reins back. The obedient pony immediately halted. Katrina dismounted and led the horse over to a hitching post. She pulled her hood closer around her face and looked about for her mistress.
" I don't care. I go out here all the time without people knowing." Lariah said softly as she laid on her back in the river.
(Casper, Crazychick)
Richard bowed at the waist, then hurriedly left the garden. He went to his room to sleep.
Edwin looked up. Seeing Alena, he smiled.
Fawn fell asleep in her window ledge.
Mariah clasped her hands together, then returned to bed. She fell asleep thinking of all the preparations necessary for the dinner party.
(Jenel got ahead, Heleman caught up with her, and now their waiting for Redd.)
(Beaky, Crazychick)
(ok I forgot who Lariah was talking to
does anyone know)

Gwen gave him a tired wave, before standing to go to her own room.

Alena gave Edwin a tight smile. Didn't he have any other maids?

Redd lead the small party a riders speedily though the woods.

Audric paced the patio, a little stressed. What would he do if Edwin refused to marry Gwen? He seemed to mess up things quite frequently.
(Pretty sure she was talking to either Alex or Arthur)
Richard took his boots off and sat down on his bed. He stared at the wall, deep in thought.
Edwin looked back at the fire. "What took you so long?" He asked, pretending to be irritated.
Katrina went back to her pony. She untied the rim reins from the post, and began walking him towards the tavern, keeping an eye out for Jenel.
"I apologize but I'm going on vacation soon and this rp is too far along really for me to jump in so I'm must respectfully bow out feel free to invite me to the next one
(Pretty sure she was talking to either Alex or Arthur)
Richard took his boots off and sat down on his bed. He stared at the wall, deep in thought.
Edwin looked back at the fire. "What took you so long?" He asked, pretending to be irritated.
Katrina went back to her pony. She untied the rim reins from the post, and began walking him towards the tavern, keeping an eye out for Jenel.

Kat layed on her bed trying to sleep. It was just a feeling, but something was off.

Alena sighed and set down the tray. "is there anything else I may assist u with?"

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