*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Mariah finds Peter?)

Peter nodded. "I believe this is where we depart?"
(I was referring to Audric, when I said Mariah smiled at him :p )

Mariah nearly dragged Audric along as she went over to Peter and Jane. "Oh, Jane. I quite forgot to appoint an escort for you. Sir Peter, if you would be so kind," she smiled slyly.

Backing into a corner of the room, Fawn adjusted her very uncomfortable mask. Satisfied that it was slightly more comfortable than before, she proceeded around the room in search of a good conversation to eavesdrop on.
Edwin returned with a bowl of water and the requested rags. After setting them down, he looked at Katrina. "Anything else?" He asked.
Katrina dipped a rag into the bowl and dabbed Alena's forehead with it. "Please, have a maid bring up a tray of tea."
"Tea? How is that going to help?" Edwin frowned.
"It'll help you calm down," she replied. Having the prince in the room distracted her, so she was very glad when he reluctantly left.
(did you? My bad. I forgot my other characters weren't asleep)
(Haha yep, here it is again)
After gathering what little salvageable bits she could find, Herja set her meager pickings into a bit of sail, making a knapsack using her halberd. She had to find fresh water. She had drank seawater and needed to flush the extra salt from her system. She started walking along the shoreline, looking for a freshwater source running to the ocean. After walking for some time, she came upon a small stream gently creeping across the beach, carving a shallow dip in the sand. She stooped over the stream, then sank to her knees, plunging both hands into the cool sweet water and cupping it to her parched lips. She drank long and deep, then washed her face. Wishing she had time to wash the salt from her clothes, she decided it was more important to find food and shelter for the night first.
Sighing, she slung her halberd over her shoulder with the small bundle attached to it, and started to follow the little stream inland.
As Herja headed inland, she thought of her husband and all the others on the longboat with her. Were they all dead? Perhaps washed ashore elsewhere along a different stretch of coastline? With a heavy heart, she realized that more than likely they had drowned at sea. If they had made it to shore, they could be miles from her. The tide could have carried them all anywhere. She didn't even know where she was right now!
After carefully following the stream, she came to a spring bubbling from a rocky outcropping, surrounded by soft heather and thick, carpet like grass. The trees seemed to be touching overhead, but the dappled sunlight streamed through to kiss the buttercups dotting the grass. Setting down her halberd, she knew this was as good a place as any to set up camp. She started stripping off her armor and clothes, carefully washing each article in the little pool formed by the head of the stream. She took a bit of grease she had salvaged from the wreckage and oiled her arm and leg guards, along with her breastplate, so they would not rust, then treated the blade of her halberd as well.
Satisfied, she laid back on the soft grass, wearing only her damp skivvies, the rest of her clothes hung along tree branches or draped over the heather. She had picked a handful of berries, and was so exhausted, with the warm sun and the cool grass, that she couldn't help but fall asleep.

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