*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Audric stated up at the estate. His castle was bigger.

Peter faked a smile. "I would be honored."
( :lol: )
Mariah looked from Peter to Jane, then finally to Audric. "The outside is rather plain," she mused.

Jane slipped her gloved hand through Peter's elbow, feeling more than a little uncomfortable with the situation.
Edwin forced himself to sit down and wait while a servant slowly made tea.

Katrina held Alena's limp hand in her own, checking her pulse every couple of minutes. She talked to the unconcious girl while she looked over the bottles she had gathered. She opened a bottle of smelling salts and held it under Alena's nose, hoping it would perhaps revive her.
Herja woke with a start. Her muscles were stiff and there was a chill in the air. The sun had gone down a while ago, and she was nearly naked. Shivering, she checked the progress on her clothes; they were almost dry. " Almost is good enough for me," she muttered.
She hastily dressed, then started rummaging through her knapsack for a flint. Finding a small piece, she proceeded to set it to the side while she started looking around for dead branches and dry bark to make kindling. She gathered a small pile, and also started making a fire ring, gathering good sized stones.
Soon, she was ready to start the fire. Once it was going, she sat down near it, her stomach rumbling. She hadn't eaten much since before the shipwreck but a handful of berries, but hunting and foraging are best done during the day, so she saved her energy. Slumping down near the fire, she watched the embers glow.
( :lol: )
Mariah looked from Peter to Jane, then finally to Audric. "The outside is rather plain," she mused.

Jane slipped her gloved hand through Peter's elbow, feeling more than a little uncomfortable with the situation.
Edwin forced himself to sit down and wait while a servant slowly made tea.

Katrina held Alena's limp hand in her own, checking her pulse every couple of minutes. She talked to the unconcious girl while she looked over the bottles she had gathered. She opened a bottle of smelling salts and held it under Alena's nose, hoping it would perhaps revive her.

Peter slid the bouquet farther into his jacket. "Well then...I suppose we should be getting inside?"
Peter slid the bouquet farther into his jacket. "Well then...I suppose we should be getting inside?"
Jane nodded in agreement. She stepped in line behind the king and queen, eager to get inside to the ball.
Mariah stopped for the herald to announce them.
"His and her highness, King Audric and Queen Mariah of Edinburgh!!" The herald called out loudly.
(Alena stirs or something?)
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As Alfric reached for the latch on the stable door it occurred to him that he had never actually ridden a horse before. He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, before swinging the door open and stepping inside. He could smell the warm hay, the manure, it made his nose itch uncomfortably underneath his mask.
Jane nodded in agreement. She stepped in line behind the king and queen, eager to get inside to the ball.
Mariah stopped for the herald to announce them.
"His and her highness, King Audric and Queen Mariah of Edinburgh!!" The herald called out loudly.
(Alena stirs or something?)

Peter stood awkwardly near the entrance. He really wished they had gotten further away. Everyone had turned to get a glance at the king and queen. Hopefully Linnet hadn't noticed Jane.

Alena stirs.

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