*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Alfric carefully guided the mare outside and patted her back. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "You must be used to this by now." He looked into her eyes and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "I'm just.. going to.." The mare snorted as Alfric leant forward, putting his weight on her back.
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Alfric flinches and pulls back, pausing and glancing nervously at the mares face. She tosses her head lightly and returns his gaze. Sensing no aggression he continues, pulling himself up, rather awkwardly, onto her back.
Alfric wriggles around uncomfortably, trying to adjust his trousers. "Okay India..Inky, don't throw me off okay?" He half jokes, running his hands through her mane. She throws back her head playfully, seemingly sensing the young mans nervousness. Alfric's heart jumps, and he tightens his grip.
"Please don't." He pleads, shakily.
"No not really" Alan said

Elsa smiled,"not just fond."she said.she started to twirl,"you could say I love it"[/quote] Fawn nodded solemnly. "Well then, I suppose I should let you return to it," she said to Else. With a curtsy to the two of them, she turned on her heel and walked away.
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