*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Elsa smiled,"not just fond."she said.she started to twirl,"you could say I love it"
Fawn nodded solemnly. "Well then, I suppose I should let you return to it," she said to Else. With a curtsy to the two of them, she turned on her heel and walked away.[/quote]
Elsa smiled back and started to turl again,"come on, Alan!"she said.
The light outside is dimming now, and the castle is far quieter than usual. There will still be men on guard, this Alfric knows, however they are not on the lookout for people leaving, rather people entering. And as a lot of people have been heading out for Alnwick castle this particular evening, his presence should rouse no suspicion. Just have to get out of here, everything will be okay. He pats the mares shoulder firmly and commands her to move forward. However, she only readjusts her position and turns her head back to snort at him. Clearly this boy had no idea what he was doing.
"Go India, Go!" He demands, slapping her side again.
India raises up onto her hind legs and tosses her head defiantly, nearly throwing Alfric to the ground. He leans forward, clinging desperately to her mane. This boy was far too cocky, she knew what he wanted her to do, but she needed to teach him a lesson first. She slams her hooves on the cobble stone and neighs, strutting forward and flicking her tail. "Stop, this way, this way!" He stammers, gesturing towards the pathway leading out towards the outer walls of the castle.
Fawn made a bee line for a shadowy corner where the crowd was small. One-on-one conversations with most people made her uncomfortable, so she decided to stick to the corner for the evening. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and sat down on a bench. She could see the king from where she sat. He looked incredibly bored, sitting on a velvet cushioned chair at the front end of the hall.
Emilee rolled her eyes and turned around to face the pony. "Daisy, please, come on!" She begged her. She pulled hard on the rope attached to the homemade halter that Daisy wore. Anna had sent her off early that morning to pick apples from a nearby wild grove. What should of been a short excursion had now cost Emilee nearly the entire day, thanks to the reluctant pony.
Fawn made a bee line for a shadowy corner where the crowd was small. One-on-one conversations with most people made her uncomfortable, so she decided to stick to the corner for the evening. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and sat down on a bench. She could see the king from where she sat. He looked incredibly bored, sitting on a velvet cushioned chair at the front end of the hall.
Emilee rolled her eyes and turned around to face the pony. "Daisy, please, come on!" She begged her. She pulled hard on the rope attached to the homemade halter that Daisy wore. Anna had sent her off early that morning to pick apples from a nearby wild grove. What should of been a short excursion had now cost Emilee nearly the entire day, thanks to the reluctant pony.

Alan watched Fawn as she sat in a shadowy corner all by herself "that's odd" he thought
(Sorry, been out of town)

Adrienne smiled warmly beneath her bird mask and flopped down in a chair by a little round table. Since Calder hadn't been allowed to attend, she wasn't sure what to do with herself.
Cliffton scanned the room, hoping that somewhere there would be some food he could occupy himself with.
Gavin slipped out of his room. Everyone was busy with the ball, so he seized this opportunity to act.
Cedric slid off his horse and straightened his clothes. The nicest he had been able to steal. He smiled sinisterly and pulled a black mask over his face, sauntering toward the castle.
For a while India ran circles around the stables, throwing back her head and strutting proudly to show her strength. Once she felt Alfric had learnt his lesson she slowed to a trot and closed the final loop, kicking at the ground with her hooves.
At this point Alfric's arrogance had been somewhat subdued, his stomach churning and his legs aching. He knew his place now, and she sensed this. So without further complaint she trotted down the cobble pathway and headed for the great gate of the castle. Two guards, having spotted the masked man coming down the hill, had begun pulling the chains to lift the metal gate. As he passed, he pulled back his shoulders in an attempt to look confident.
"Yer majesty." Blurted the guard, bowing his head slightly.
Alfric furrowed his brows and turned back to face the front. He looked rather awkward and out of place on the back of the speckled mare, riding without reigns, his rough, grubby hands gripping onto her wild mane. But this man had just called him "Your majesty", it was all very confusing. As they distanced themselves from the castle he could hear the gate crashing shut behind them. He had only ever been outside the walls on special occasion, and always under supervision. A new and profound sense of freedom rushed over him as the two of them disappeared down into the forest.
( oh oh :weee I completely forgot about my man Redd XD)

Redd removed his short cloak, handing it to a servant. He hadn't been invited to the ball, which more than a little irked him, but he had come anyway. No one would recognize him in his mask anyway, unless they recognized him by his voice, which wasn't very likely. He slipped past the herald, who was busy going over the list with a servant, and headed for the table of refreshments. He had ridden fast and hard in order to arrive on time.

Alan watched Fawn as she sat in a shadowy corner all by herself "that's odd" he thought
Fawn noted who watched who, who danced with who, and who talked to who. She felt the young prince's eyes on her, which made her very uncomfortable by there was nothing she could do about that now. She noted Richard dancing with the lady Linnet. Only one seemed pleased with the arrangement. She continued scanning the room until her eyes alighted on a man in a dark outfit. His mask covered nearly his entire face, preventing her from identifying him at all.

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