*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Something was on the other side of the wall, Alfric was sure of it. He began thumping his fist harder, and called out for help as loud as he could, a fit of coughing cutting him off.
(Yay, you're still alive :D)

(You had me worried there for a moment.)
(You better take your meds, granny. That hurricane int gonna get me)
Something was on the other side of the wall, Alfric was sure of it. He began thumping his fist harder, and called out for help as loud as he could, a fit of coughing cutting him off.
Fawn put her ear to the wall and listened Intently for a minute. A faint tap tap could barely be heard, but it was enough to convince Fawn. She got down on her hands and knees without a thought of her gown and began searching around the base of the wall for anything odd. To her pleasure and relief, she soon spotted an awkwardly faded stone. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the flat of hand into it, then leaned back on her heels.
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Arabella chuckled, "Well, I danced with my sisters a lot growing up when we had nothing to do. Of course, it was just a joke, but it still counted as practice." She told him with slight humor. 
Richard's smile disappeared as Arabella talked. "You seemed to have learned enough from that, if your current dancing says anything," he said
Alfric stumbled backwards, still coughing, as the wall began its screeching once again.
There was a brief grinding sound as the pressed stone went into the wall slightly, but then the noise stopped. Fawn stood up and glanced around the passage to make sure no one was watching her, then leaned her shoulder into the stone, pushing her full weight against it. A two-foot wide section of the wall gave in, opening with surprising ease. Fawn was completely caught off guard in her pushing and was deposited onto the hard stone floor in a most painful manner.
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Richard's smile disappeared as Arabella talked. "You seemed to have learned enough from that, if your current dancing says anything," he said
(Does he not like women talking or something?

"I suppose I did. I of course have danced since then, but not often, and not really with anyone decent." Arabella said and shrugged slightly. "Did you dance at all when you were a child, or did you learn as an adult?"
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(Does he not like women talking or something? :gig )

"I suppose I did. I of course have danced since then, but not often, and not really with anyone decent." Arabella said and shrugged slightly. "Did you dance at all when you were a child, or did you learn as an adult?"
(No, it's not her talking. Something else XD plus he's not a smiley dude)

"Between the two of us, my sister taught me how to dance when I was quite young, and she kept me in practice till I came to Alnwick Castle to serve as a squire," Richard explained.
Gwen giggled in a way not unlike a young school girl. "We shall." She said, taking his arm. A long silence hung through the air. "So...do you have any close family?" Gwen asked conversationally.
"Yes, actually. I have four younger siblings, my mother is passed, and my father is rather sickly," William said. "He's not expected to live many months more," he added, though he wasn't exactly sure why.
(Alena section? Katrina asked her something)
Edwin leaned against the fireplace in a surprisingly comfortable position. He went over the evening in his head, trying to figure out what exactly happened to Alena from the bits and pieces she had told him.
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