The wait is killing me!

My sevond EE just started laying her first eggs this week. she is 37 weeks tomorrow. I'm in utah and it's been pretty cold here, I have a light on them though to help with warmth and laying.
Finally one of my three bantam Easter Eggers is laying eggs at 28wks!

Congrats on the EE eggs! It's nice to see the odd color in the nesting box! That's a big first egg for a bantam itlog! It looks a bit bigger than my standard's first egg! Harley's been a productive little lady along with our cochin who laid her first Tuesday when she was just under 6 months old.
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I have one EE and she laid her first egg at exactly 19 weeks. This was in August - longer days, more light - but that was still pretty early for an EE to lay her first egg from what I've read on here.

My point is . . . that first egg can come at any time! Hopefully sooner rather than later. BTW, my gal lays a beautiful light blue egg that never fails to make me smile when I find one in the nesting box.
Wow that's pretty early! I've heard since they're hybrids they may lay later but it all depends. Mine laid exactly a week after she started squatting. We are wanting more chickens and EEs, cochins, or other docile breeds are what we want. Harley hasn't sang the egg song at all since she's started laying which is odd but good since we have 5 leghorns who love to cluck.
If you want to help move them along, I would make sure they get 14 hour of light and add a artificial light to the coop.My Easter eggers were slower at the start 27 weeks but were pretty consistent layers. 6 out of 7 days
Feeling your pain here. I have two pure Ameraucanas that are 32 weeks and still haven't started. I'm thinking with the short days now I will be waiting till spring.
Our Americana laid her first yesterday and we have had her for 5 months, which would make her close to 9 months old. Our RIR's started laying at 7 months, and our Plymouth Rock laid her first yesterday at 9 months. Our Buffington is close and she is 9 months old. I am really not sure why all of ours are taking this long. We live in Austin Texas, they have always had laying feed, pellets, great scraps, plenty of sunlight and free ranging. They just took a long time after we got them at the first of August. I keep reading 20-25 week old chickens starting laying and keep wondering why ours took so long.

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