The war continues.


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Well I killed a few raccoons several weeks ago after they decimated my flock. We made our coop more secure and have had no problems for several weeks. I have a few sumatras that are escape artists and refuse to roost in the coop. There is a very small space they can escape from in the run. I didn't worry about them as they are fast and nothing ever seems to bother them. Yesterday, I found a pile of feathers where one sumatra likes to roost in my barn. I planned to set my traps last night but came home late and tired and didn't.

I had bought 20 brn egg laying chicks several weeks ago to replace some of the hens I lost. I have had them on my front porch all week. ( I was able to leave caged chicks in may yard last summer until they were old enough to go in coop with the others). I was awakened at 3AM by the chicks. Went out and found Mr. raccoon on top of the cage pulling chicks up through bars and eating their heads off. He got 5 before I woke up. Grrr. I guess they will have to stay in the garage with my German Shepherd guarding them this summer. The raccoons are braver and more persistant this year. Will definitely set traps tonight. So tired of raccoons!!!

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