The Watermelon Chickens (pic included)


Pearl of the Prairie
9 Years
Mar 12, 2010
Southeast Texas
It's sweltering here in south east Texas so for a treat I cut up some watermelon that I stuck in the freezer for about a hour for my gals.

They had a blast eating, slurping, and enjoying themselves.


*Production Red (Tail-feather, and White Rocks (Sally and Pesky)

*Easter Egger (Penny), Buff Orpington (Buffy), and Easter Egger (Hadlee)

Tail-feather chasing off Penny, Buffy and Hadlee

Easter Egger (Charlotte), Hadlee, Penny, and Buffy

Black Australorp (Pumpkin) and Penny the Easter egger.

I also have more pictures of the watermelon feast on my blog.

do you do to cool your chickens down or treat them?
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Lovely pics! Beautiful hens indeed! I do that too with the watermelon. What a nice treat for them on a super hot, humid day! My hubby says, "Hey, where's my watermelon!" LOL So I'm careful to make sure I have some for him too!
Such a pretty flock!

I give my girls frozen yougurt & frozen blueberries as a summer treat. Just pop a container of regular yougurt into the freezer overnight or so, then turn it out of the container and they love it. The frozen blueberries I vacuum sealed last year when the store had them SUPER cheap. They weren't sure about them at first, but now they love them!
Thanks everyone. Great idea on the frozen yogurt and blueberries. My girls also love grapes, they go crazy for grapes its so fun to watch.

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