The word "like"...

I hate the word like. It should only be used for comparison (even then I still cringe because I hear it so often, used incorrectly and I'm not a grammar buff and certainly don't speak well - I just hate like!!!).

I am an accent parasite too, take me anywhere and I start talking like the natives - people think I'm faking, but I don't even notice.
The big thing around here is "i was gonna say" before every sentence.

and gosh what's the other one i hear around here.. AH!

"I went to the store,...So i did...."

EweSheep mentioned the over use of "you know." I was surprised to hear Caroline Kennedy speak with her constant "you know" considering her education when she wanted Hillary Clinton's senate seat. I thought she would be a polished off-the-cuff speaker.
Me too, I was certain that she would have been a good speaker like her brother did. After all, glad that she was not elected and I certainly think she would be good in something else, perhaps, goodwill services?
Wasn't that John Kennedy, Jr. something? So handsome and so cool. I'm not fond of the Kennedy family, but he certainly had charm. I was also surprised at the rumor floating around about Caroline Kennedy.

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