The world of Kinto (Restart) *Needs players*

Kayra wove through the burnt, black, dead trees. She was a shadow. Suddenly, she froze, listening. "It's the same bear..." she whispered to herself, and darted off to the right.
Kayra wove through the burnt, black, dead trees. She was a shadow. Suddenly, she froze, listening. "It's the same bear..." she whispered to herself, and darted off to the right.

Marzipan saw Kayra flash or in a completely different direction. But he could smell the humans now and carried on up ahead. He and ran, completely invisible to the human eye as he flashed through the shadowy forest. He smelt fire, damp cloths and human activity.
Sabers ears flattened to her head." They won't notice if we are in the shadows." She said with a bit of anger in her voice with the humans.
Sabers ears flattened to her head." They won't notice if we are in the shadows." She said with a bit of anger in her voice with the humans.
Cathi smiled "Ok then let's go" said Cathi

Dikal then ran towards the forest "I saw one of their bases we can take that one out" said Dikal

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