The world of Kinto (Restart) *Needs players*

Ptari felt her heart breaking Does he even like me anymore? thought Ptari

Bryce turned. "Ptari?" he said slowly, gazing at her. "I-I just want you to know that I'll always like you, no matter what," he said, and smiled, than disappeared with a small pop!
Bryce turned. "Ptari?" he said slowly, gazing at her. "I-I just want you to know that I'll always like you, no matter what," he said, and smiled, than disappeared with a small pop!
Ptari smiled and turned "I will always like you too" she said with a smile
Saber was too busy to notice. She started getting closer, and closer to his side.
Dikal then bit into more humans and then he saw a human with a hat that read "Hunting Leader" Dikal jumped on him but missed. The human shot Dikal then kicked Dikal and jumped back

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