The Worst Predator Ever

Oh man...that is just awful...stupid kids...they are lucky they are not mine...I would shave their heads, dress them in pink like Sheriff Joe and they would be doing manual labor until they were forty years old...yes, press charges and give it to the parents as well...they need to replace the birds and rebuild your coop to your specifications...that was just evil...poor birds...I can not imagine how scared they were...
the night I loaded the fox's pants with lead after he had stolen about three dozen goose eggs and killed two drakes over a three day period, my ducks and geese gathered up around my feet and legs begging for protection...they were terrified...I moved them to a neutral area where they had not been attacked and that night I sat with them the balance of the took them days to settle down and they are still a little nervous about going into that little pasture area to graze and hunt bugs...we have since put up a lot of hot wire around their night time more losses...
but to do something like that to watch the show? EVIL!
I am all for pressing charges and taking it to the limit.

But the true shame of the whole situation is you will never have peace of mind now with your chickens living their. You have been robbed.
I'm very sorry for your loss and hope the sheriff throws the book at those thugs. Some of them might be old enough to be tried as adults.

That is a frightening story ! The really scary thing to me is that people who have no respect for animal life usually have very little for human life either.
Okay I have a couple of questions for the teens,
1, if they went to the trouble of trying to rebuild the fence what did they do with the chickens and who does this dog belong to and what did they do with the dog
2. why are the parents not more upset by this, unfortunately I hate to say this but most serial killers started with animals
3, where/why did they even think of something like this, I mean I know teenage boys can do stupid things I have 2 teenage boys but they would never even think about doing something like this, they have learned that animals should not be harmed in any way
I just can not believe that this happened I am sorry for the loss of your birds but I am also sorry for the loss of you feeling that you did everything to keep the birds safe from predators only to have some humans destroy everything that you have done. now the dog is also a victim because he/she killed the chickens she/he will be labeled a vicious dog and could be put to sleep and the poor chickens will be scared for a long time since it happened in their own safe world if my kids ever even thought about doing something like this they would have been in so much trouble and sitting down for along time would not be one thing they would be doing, why did the one teen not go get his parents or tell someone so they could stop this from happening I do not for a second believe that he was trying to stop it, I hope they prosecute the kids to the fullest extent of the law and I know in some states the parents can be charged also, and I think social services needs to investigate the parents I hope you can fine some justice in this and hopefully you can have your birds home with you soon.
keep us posted
That is horrific! Those guys...I'm so, so sorry!
That's totally unthinkable!
I hope you prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and I hope I never, ever find myself doing anything like that!
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You could file a small claiims lawsuit against the teens individually. If damages come out of their own pockets, they might learn a lesson from this more readily.
Thanks to everyone that responded to our earlier posts. It's wonderful to have your support. Here's the latest:
We did call the Sheriff and he was willing to help us, but was reluctant to press charges. He wanted to simply 'scare' the boys. He did a great job of that, however, we are still serious about making sure there are consequences for their actions. One of the boys has been in trouble with the law before and is only 12 years old. His grandfather was very upset and apologetic about the whole ordeal. He assured us that they would repay us. He has just taken custody of the boy and is sincere. The parents of the other boys were no better than these terrible boys and did not see much wrong with it. The area is rural farmland. These kids have not been taught well. Repayment is not the issue, the money would not come from the 12 year olds and would from their family's limited food budget (we assume). The imperative thing is to make this a really big life lesson. These kids do not equate this as a demented and intolerable cruelty, only dead birds. The sherif thinks scaring them is enough. We will talk with the 12 year olds' probation officer this week (yes he is on probation), and revisit the charges.

Again the big reason for this post:
We want to generate enough outrage to make the local Law Enforcers handle this.
We have contacted the SPCA and that other group that is interested in animal rights. We are awaiting responses.
Baldwin County Alabama Sheriff: , (251) 937-0210 Feel free to contact them with your true feelings.

My poor little chickens!! They were bewildered. I found one young one being protected by the others that was injured greatly, but still breathing. I brought her inside with us at home and now and I am giving her Rescue Remedy, Arnica, lots of love, water and have dressed her wounds (several punctures in her neck and a badly damaged eye). What an ordeal. I'm looking forward to beating the vague ordinance that forced us to move them. And bring our chickens back home.

Thanks again for the support, Mike and Jana

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