The Wyandotte Thread

Loving the pictures - we have a silver laced and red laced about 9 weeks old. I'm really looking forward to that beautiful white coming out a lot more in the silver. About when can I expect that?

Hello everyone!

I have a bit of a story and question regarding a female SLW my daughter has and I'm hoping someone can send me in the right direction! =-)

We ordered 15 pullets from Ideal in February this year and received them in good condition. Didn't lose one. However, we bought them for my daughter's 4-H project because she wanted to learn about chickens. After researching a bit more, looking and asking around, I got several recommendations for a small place in the heart of Portland, Or (about 45 mins away from where we live.) It's a little farm store that is big into organic and was said to get quality birds from multiple sources. We went in and walked away with an EE (just because I love them!), a Silver Grey Dorking and a Silver-Laced Wyandotte. I asked them where they get their birds and they said that while they do have multiple sources, most of them are contracted through Privet Hatchery in New Mexico.

Fast forward to this week. My daughter has 11 birds at the county fair. All eleven competed in the open class and six of those competed in the 4-H classes as well. Her Silver Laced Wyandotte (named Alex) received overall:

Open Class
1st in Silver Laced Wyandottes
Champion of Wyandottes (Overall)
Reserve Grand Champion Overall

4-H Class
1st in conformation
Grand Champion Overall (Pullets)
Best in Show (Overall)

The judging panels for both open and 4-H class were different and most if not all had APA experience. A few of the judges told me that they would recommend finding a good quality Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster and breeding her because she had excellent conformation and a few of those judges said that if my daughter had been able to go to state fair (she's a junior), Alex would have done very well. question: We hadn't planned on trying to breed at all as all our chickens are female but should we be listening to the judges' advice? I should add that my daughter does plan on continuing in 4-H. And if we should breed her, what are the best options? I don't think raising a rooster from day old is really a great idea because you never know what you are going to get. Do you try to find a breeder and contract with them to breed one of their roosters with your pullet (hen)? Last question....where do I even start looking? We live in Oregon and I want to make sure if we do this, we do it right. I'm a research first and do later kind of girl and I want to make sure I know all the options before deciding.

Thanks for any help you can give me!
I would post a picture of your daughters SLW because I can't see a SLW coming from Privett being show quality. Stranger things have happened though.
How many birds were entered? Was your fair APA sanctioned? We have a fair every year with maybe 40 birds that get entered...I've never taken anything of mine down there because I've seen sickly birds allowed to stay the entire weekend and kids (and some adults) like to harass & poke at the chickens--plus, there is no security and they make you keep them there all weekend.

Anyway--my when my SIL was little, she took a Light Brahma from McMurray to the Okanogan Fair and it won "champion" of the fair. Looking at old photos of it, it was a decent bird (by hatchery standards) but if it was a "real" show, it might have gotten DQ'd or completely overlooked and not placed at all.

As far as breeders--there are few a with SQ SLW.

It's true that when buying an older bird, you'll know what you're getting as far as type & temperament....BUT just make sure it is from an NPIP certified breeder. Older birds can carry diseases (I know hatching eggs can too but you're less likely to get something from an egg than you are an adult bird)....

Just remember that even though you'd be breeding two SQ birds together--there is a lot more to breeding than that. I wish it were THAT easy.
Unfortunately for every few hundred chicks you hatch, you MIGHT end up lucky enough with one or two that are truly show-quality.

As far as fair-champions go--this little cockerel won "Grand Champion" of the fair two years ago. My MIL won him through the 4-H auction and then gave him to me.
She meant well but man--he was nasty and not even a good looking bird, IMO. LOL I was able to sell him but it just goes to show what some judges think sometimes...there was a VERY nice black Orp there (from my lines & when I used to breed them that didn't even place!)




As it turned out, after doing more "research" this cockerel was from IDEAL Hatchery.
They have pretty lacing. What hatchery did you buy them from?

I bought them from a breeder (actually i bought hatching eggs), i didn't think they looked bad enough to be hatchery birds

Of course not!
I ordered a small quantity of buff dottes from Duane Urch this spring and only one was in the order. Here she is and I think she is beautiful.
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