The Wyandotte Thread

This is Kirby my 10-12wk old SLW pullet. Not that i really care about her markings (her personality is great!) but is this what she should look like for her age? When I look at pics for what she should look like as an adult, she doesn't quite match. Just curious. Either way, I love her!

Sorry but he is a cockerel not a pullet. He is poorly marked for a Silver Laced. Might be why you had a hard time figuring it out.
Has anyone on here had issues with fertility with their wyandottes?
I have two hens and one rooster, they are mating all the time.
One hen went broody over a clutch of eggs but nothing came of it.
After 20 something days and then candling the eggs, there was no evidence that any of them ever were fertile so I cracked a few open- sure enough, there was nothing.. Sigh..
I ended up buying 5 x day old chicks for her to adopt which went really great.. I guess all wasn't lost afterall.. I still want to hatch some of my own though :-(
I've just bought a small incubator (it holds 7 eggs) and I want to try again but I can't tell if my eggs are fertile!
Here's a picture of yesterday's fresh egg:

And here's a picture of today's fresh egg:

Can anyone tell me if they are fertile?
I have been googling this topic to death trying to find answers..
The breeder that I bought the baby chicks off said that she's heard of some people having to "trim" some of the feathers away from the vent area to increase fertility.
I've given this a of a few weeks ago, other then that, I'm lost with what else to do?..
My rooster is about 12 months old and is very "active" with the ladies..

^^ he looks so much nicer without his rooster collar on but unfortunately the neighbours wouldn't agree, lol..
Can anyone help me out?
Has anyone on here had issues with fertility with their wyandottes?
I have two hens and one rooster, they are mating all the time.
One hen went broody over a clutch of eggs but nothing came of it.
After 20 something days and then candling the eggs, there was no evidence that any of them ever were fertile so I cracked a few open- sure enough, there was nothing.. Sigh..
I ended up buying 5 x day old chicks for her to adopt which went really great.. I guess all wasn't lost afterall.. I still want to hatch some of my own though :-(
I've just bought a small incubator (it holds 7 eggs) and I want to try again but I can't tell if my eggs are fertile!
Here's a picture of yesterday's fresh egg:
And here's a picture of today's fresh egg:

Can anyone tell me if they are fertile?
I have been googling this topic to death trying to find answers..
The breeder that I bought the baby chicks off said that she's heard of some people having to "trim" some of the feathers away from the vent area to increase fertility.
I've given this a of a few weeks ago, other then that, I'm lost with what else to do?..
My rooster is about 12 months old and is very "active" with the ladies..

^^ he looks so much nicer without his rooster collar on but unfortunately the neighbours wouldn't agree, lol..
Can anyone help me out?

I can't see the first egg well enough to tell for sure but it looks infertile to me, the second egg is infertile. Fertile eggs have a distinct "Bulls eye" you'll know it when you see it, it will be an ah-ha moment.
Trimming the feathers around the vent can help fertility, but only if their fertile to begin with. If either one is infertile (male or female) no matter what you do it won't help. That said I would trim the feathers and if the eggs are infertile after that your cock may have fertility issues.
Has anyone on here had issues with fertility with their wyandottes?
I have two hens and one rooster, they are mating all the time.
One hen went broody over a clutch of eggs but nothing came of it.
After 20 something days and then candling the eggs, there was no evidence that any of them ever were fertile so I cracked a few open- sure enough, there was nothing.. Sigh..
I ended up buying 5 x day old chicks for her to adopt which went really great.. I guess all wasn't lost afterall.. I still want to hatch some of my own though :-(
I've just bought a small incubator (it holds 7 eggs) and I want to try again but I can't tell if my eggs are fertile!
Here's a picture of yesterday's fresh egg:
And here's a picture of today's fresh egg:

Can anyone tell me if they are fertile?
I have been googling this topic to death trying to find answers..
The breeder that I bought the baby chicks off said that she's heard of some people having to "trim" some of the feathers away from the vent area to increase fertility.
I've given this a of a few weeks ago, other then that, I'm lost with what else to do?..
My rooster is about 12 months old and is very "active" with the ladies..

^^ he looks so much nicer without his rooster collar on but unfortunately the neighbours wouldn't agree, lol..
Can anyone help me out?
They are both fertile. The bulls eye is there in the middle. It is that little whiter looking dot the size of a quilting pen head.... maybe a little smaller.
They are both fertile. The bulls eye is there in the middle. It is that little whiter looking dot the size of a quilting pen head.... maybe a little smaller.
i've never checked any of my eggs but i have seen the little white thing your talking about in a few when cooking them ..i thought that was what i was seeing in jacksmummys both those eggs are fertil then ..

its the little bits of great info like this you find reading these forums ..i used to skip around and jump past pages of post, but i always feel like i missed something and have to go back and read it all
The eggs in the photo do not look fertile. There is the spot, but it is a spot not a bull's eye.

You should not have to trim feathers on wyandottes. Not that some don't trim.

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